How to stop an addon when player stops while playing a nonstandard satip rtsp stream?
I've LibreElec on a Raspi here and no idea how to make a build on that Blush

But never mind: If I have to choose, I would like to choose Linux.
(2020-12-18, 19:44)stko Wrote: I've LibreElec on a Raspi here and no idea how to make a build on that Blush

But never mind: If I have to choose, I would like to choose Linux.

Ha, ok. If it's linux you would need to build it yourself.

Here is the PR:
And the artifacts: (Only android and apple currently, windows packages on mirrors are a bit flaky currently).

Have you used ffmpegdirect before?
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here
(2020-12-19, 00:29)phunkyfish Wrote:
(2020-12-18, 19:44)stko Wrote: I've LibreElec on a Raspi here and no idea how to make a build on that Blush

But never mind: If I have to choose, I would like to choose Linux.

Ha, ok. If it's linux you would need to build it yourself.

Here is the PR:
And the artifacts: (Only android and apple currently, windows packages on mirrors are a bit flaky currently).

Have you used ffmpegdirect before?
I'm just trying the all-in-one approach by trying to build the whole Kodi LibreElec image. No idea if it will work, it's compiling now since hours. In a previous trial I saw that there was a make package for inputstream.ffmpegdirect. In the current build process that directory did not appear until now, so I hope it will created somehow later.

In that package file there was a link to a inputstream.ffmpegdirect release zip file. If I could redirect that link to whereever our latest development version can be found, then I could maybe bake this into the kodi image... But first the image build must finish sucessfully at all.. Let's wait and hope :-)

No, I did not use ffmpegdirect before. I did several things with ffmpeg as such, but this is now the first time that I hear about ffmpegdirect.. What Do I need to know?
(2020-12-19, 13:06)stko Wrote:
(2020-12-19, 00:29)phunkyfish Wrote:
(2020-12-18, 19:44)stko Wrote: I've LibreElec on a Raspi here and no idea how to make a build on that Blush

But never mind: If I have to choose, I would like to choose Linux.

Ha, ok. If it's linux you would need to build it yourself.

Here is the PR:
And the artifacts: (Only android and apple currently, windows packages on mirrors are a bit flaky currently).

Have you used ffmpegdirect before?
I'm just trying the all-in-one approach by trying to build the whole Kodi LibreElec image. No idea if it will work, it's compiling now since hours. In a previous trial I saw that there was a make package for inputstream.ffmpegdirect. In the current build process that directory did not appear until now, so I hope it will created somehow later.

In that package file there was a link to a inputstream.ffmpegdirect release zip file. If I could redirect that link to whereever our latest development version can be found, then I could maybe bake this into the kodi image... But first the image build must finish sucessfully at all.. Let's wait and hope :-)

No, I did not use ffmpegdirect before. I did several things with ffmpeg as such, but this is now the first time that I hear about ffmpegdirect.. What Do I need to know?
The LibreElec build was now successful as such, but in opposite to the x86 generic build which I made by mistake before, there is now no inputstream.ffmpegdirect package anymore, just inputstream.adaptive and inputstream.rtmp.

Is inputstream.ffmpegdirect not used on a Raspberry Huh?
ffmpegdirect is simply the ffmpeg inputstream from kodi with some special customisations, such timeshifted catchup TV and timeshift for regular streams. I think it will end up being very difficult to build for libreelec. It should be available for all platforms.

Let me ask about how to get a testbuild of it for raspberry pi.
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here
(2020-12-19, 15:53)phunkyfish Wrote: ffmpegdirect is simply the ffmpeg inputstream from kodi with some special customisations, such timeshifted catchup TV and timeshift for regular streams. I think it will end up being very difficult to build for libreelec. It should be available for all platforms.

Let me ask about how to get a testbuild of it for raspberry pi.

I can see tons of ffmeg sources in the LibreElec build directories, but also tons of patch files as well... As you said, it might be quite difficulty to find the right places in all that to do the correct changes in it..  Confused
Which raspberry pi Verison do you have?
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here
(2020-12-19, 16:57)phunkyfish Wrote: Which raspberry pi Verison do you have?

It's a Raspberry 3
Ok, here you go. Install this from zip:

Then you just need to add a KODIPROP specifying ffmpegdirect as the inputstream. Instructions in the readme here:
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here
By any chance do you have a platform such as android/windows/Mac that is easier to test on?

It’s just it’s much easier to get builds created for those. If not, no worries.
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here
(2020-12-19, 20:52)phunkyfish Wrote: Ok, here you go. Install this from zip:

Then you just need to add a KODIPROP specifying ffmpegdirect as the inputstream. Instructions in the readme here:

Thanks for your help!

I've a small problem: The trial to install the zip ended with a error message. Here's the kodi.log:
ERROR: CAddonInstallJob[inputstream.ffmpegdirect]: Die Abhängigkeit auf in Version 1.3.0 konnte nicht aufgelöst werden.
(The dependency on in version 1.3.0 couldn't be resolved)

The Kodi version which is running here inside LibreElec is shown as 18.9.0 Leia , LibreElec itself shows version 9.2.6 architecture RPI2.arm
(2020-12-19, 22:00)phunkyfish Wrote: By any chance do you have a platform such as android/windows/Mac that is easier to test on?

It’s just it’s much easier to get builds created for those. If not, no worries.

I've a little bit android in house: 2 Fire TV Sticks with Kodi on it and a Chromebook. One of the Fire sticks (Kodi 18.9.0 Android 9.0) would be the prefered target :-)
(2020-12-20, 09:36)stko Wrote:
(2020-12-19, 22:00)phunkyfish Wrote: By any chance do you have a platform such as android/windows/Mac that is easier to test on?

It’s just it’s much easier to get builds created for those. If not, no worries.

I've a little bit android in house: 2 Fire TV Sticks with Kodi on it and a Chromebook. One of the Fire sticks (Kodi 18.9.0 Android 9.0) would be the prefered target :-)

I've now just tried to install the cmake/addons/build/zips/inputstream.ffmpegdirect+android-armv7/ from your artifacts page onto the Fire TV stick - but it gave the same error message as the trial on LibreElec : The dependency on in Version 1.3.0 could not be resolved
You can only test this on kodi 19 I’m afraid. The latest beta2 is pretty stable. Maybe one of your android devices could be used as a test subject 😉

There is no way to test kodi 18 as it had had its final release and ffmpegdirect is Kodi 19 only I’m afraid.

Or if your chrome book supports android apps you should find the latest 19 beta in the play store.
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here
(2020-12-20, 11:09)phunkyfish Wrote: You can only test this on kodi 19 I’m afraid. The latest beta2 is pretty stable. Maybe one of your android devices could be used as a test subject 😉

There is no way to test kodi 18 as it had had its final release and ffmpegdirect is Kodi 19 only I’m afraid.

Or if your chrome book supports android apps you should find the latest 19 beta in the play store.
So, after some major internal road works: I'm sorry it's not working (yet), but here are details:
The log is saying:

2020-12-20 14:40:57.602 T:11738    INFO <general>: CAddonMgr::FindAddon: inputstream.ffmpegdirect v1.19.0 installed
2020-12-20 14:40:57.688 T:11740    INFO <general>: initializing python engine.
2020-12-20 14:40:58.474 T:11740    INFO <general>: CPythonInvoker(7, /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files/.kodi/addons/inputstream.ffmpegdirect/resources/lib/ script successfully run
2020-12-20 14:40:58.633 T:11740    INFO <general>: Python interpreter stopped
2020-12-20 14:41:32.321 T:7687  WARNING <general>: CreateLoader - unsupported protocol(rtsp) in rtsp://,17,18,163,104,44,105
2020-12-20 14:41:32.325 T:7687     INFO <general>: AddOnLog: pvr.iptvsimple: pvr.iptvsimple - GetChannelStreamProperties - Live Stream URL: rtsp://,17,18,163,104,44,105
2020-12-20 14:41:32.410 T:7687     INFO <general>: VideoPlayer::OpenFile: pvr://channels/tv/All%20channels/pvr.iptvsimple_2085672858.pvr
2020-12-20 14:41:32.421 T:11747    INFO <general>: Creating InputStream
2020-12-20 14:41:32.495 T:11747    INFO <general>: Creating Demuxer
2020-12-20 14:41:32.787 T:11747   ERROR <general>: OpenDemuxStream - Error creating demuxer
2020-12-20 14:41:32.787 T:11747    INFO <general>: CVideoPlayer::OnExit()
2020-12-20 14:41:32.881 T:7687     INFO <general>: CVideoPlayer::CloseFile()
2020-12-20 14:41:32.962 T:7687     INFO <general>: VideoPlayer: waiting for threads to exit
2020-12-20 14:41:32.962 T:7687     INFO <general>: VideoPlayer: finished waiting

When looking into the communication with WireShark, it can be seen that the new protocol extension, which ttm1 has implemented, has not taken place: The dialogue stops at the 404 answer received on the DESCRIBE request - so somehow the update is not active ?!?


OPTIONS rtsp://,17,18,163,104,44,105 RTSP/1.0
CSeq: 1
User-Agent: Lavf58.45.100

RTSP/1.0 200 OK
CSeq: 1
Date: Sat, 03 Jan 1970 09:19:44 GMT

DESCRIBE rtsp://,17,18,163,104,44,105 RTSP/1.0
Accept: application/sdp
CSeq: 2
User-Agent: Lavf58.45.100

RTSP/1.0 404 Not Found
CSeq: 2

But the good news is: I've now Kodi 19b2 and Android and Wireshark and a Ethernet breakout box and a smb fileserver in place - so the next trial run would not need so much preperation again as this time Blush

Thanks for your support !

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