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Try the thumbs from thetvdb itself first - they're bound to be suckier. Just as a measure to set the bar at ofcourse.
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thetvdb got a max resolution at 400x300, but that's hardly djh_ problem. It probably should be adjusted up to dvd resolution. Episode images shouldn't really require more then that.
Interesting design. Im not really a fan of NXE, but the mockup doesn't really come of as that. I understand that the tv view might be a tricky thing to get right.
Still have some problem imagine how the transition from shows->season->episodes is.
Looks great, I have a ton of TV shows on my box so a nice tv mode would make my day. Hopefully by the time you finish this I'll have upgraded from this 22" CRT to a 24-26" LCD. I hate LCD's but I love your skin and since I can't find a 24" widescreen CRT anywhere for a decent price, I'm ready to jump to LCD for Stark.
to bad tvdb has low res pictures is there any other place to get those pictures but in a high res?
nekrosoft13 Wrote:looks good, but wouldn't thumbnail size be an issue? thumbnails at thetvdb are rather small size

ok, nevermind i see another seperate tool does that
That's not for TV thumbs.
EMK0 Wrote:to bad tvdb has low res pictures is there any other place to get those pictures but in a high res?
Maybe TVdb needs to increase the episode thumbsize now that most new shows are filmed HD?

Or even request that XBMC has an option to use a user created bookmark as the thumb?
Hitcher Wrote:Maybe TVdb needs to increase the episode thumbsize now that most new shows are filmed HD?

I added the suggestion to thetvdb's suggestion area. Seems to be a digg/reddit style vote system, so I'd suggest people head on over and upvote so we can get this in place. under recent.
The NXE-esque stuff will all go, I suspect. I want the focus thumb to stay central so it's a simple zoom when you go into each show. Unfortunately, this all poses problems for navigation, as does any widescreen view that uses wider thumbs that scroll horizontally. One solution would be to have a vertically scrolling strip of smaller thumbs next to the big one (ABC Player style). Another would be to simply scroll the larger thumbs horizontally at the expensive of visible objects on screen. Tricky stuff.
Looks really nice!

Im not sure running time needs to be in the list for episodes though. But dont forget the watched flag thats important Smile
parrots Wrote:I'm sure between all of us using Aeon thetvtb will be quickly updated with high-quality thumbnails for shows. Hell I'll probably run the script and upload as many as I can myself.

just creating random thumbs for shows and uploading is not a great idea .. i occasionally post some thumbs to for shows i'm watching that aren't there .. i don't "randomly" snap a pic but choose something appropriate to the episode that i feel would make a kewl thumb
What about using the episode list style for the TV Shows list -


which, after a few seconds changes to the full show info (without the NXE style shown in your sketch of course) -


and then carries on as before -


Znubbis Wrote:But dont forget the watched flag thats important Smile

That's open to debate. But yes, there'll be something.
Perhaps you could keep horizontal scrolling. Maybe you could take the NXE concept and give it perspective in order to show more shows for navigating.

Sort of like phyek's concept, but make it one row instead of a complete wall.

I wouldn't think there would be as much as a cache problem as a single row and you could adjust the perspective accordingly to how many tablets xbmc could handle at once. It would still be similiar, but the perspective would help get rid of the problem of the images being obstructed. You keep the focus in the center or slightly left of center and have the wall scroll left or right and the tablets that are highlighted while scrolling would flip out flat sort of like your coverflow. Then press select and zoom in on the tablet like you said.

It seems like it would be more realisticly feasible than phyek's concept and you could just tweak your coverflow animation.
I think I'm going be selfish here and go for the simple wraplist solution at first. So browsing a large collection will be a pain, but it's something I can wrestle with later on. I personally don't have too many shows - about 30 - and don't really benefit from seeing them all in the browser at once. They're in alphabetical order and I have to scroll through them anyway, so I'm not hugely bothered. I suspect there'd be some kind of Wall-style option in the future.
I wasn't referring to the wall part. I'm referring to the perspective. It would still be a single row like you already use in coverflow and the nxe. It would be like taking your flat showcase view and turning it slightly to give it perspective to accommodate the larger horizontal space of the tablets. You could still have it so that only five tablets are showing, but this way you could see all of the individual tablets without having them appear very small or obstructing the other tablets.

That looks similar to the early Stark Phase anno July 2008.

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