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High-Definition Video Flagging (library filtering/sorting & skin thumbnails overlay)?
Thanks for the confirmation!

ccMatrix Wrote:You can use it to convert the codecs returned by your method to the same ones returned by XBMC internally. It's probably not complete but should include many common codecs.

That's the reason for rewriting it.... so there is no conversion. We'll be using the same method (ffmpeg) to get the data. MediaInfo.dll outputs much different results for some items, especially audio codec (ie - mpa1l3 vs mp3) so it would just be much easier to ditch that all together instead of converting each and every codec.
a list of currently known values for VideoCodec and AudioCodec can be found on the wiki:

let me know if there's any others and i'll add them too.
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One last question, are there any flag name conversions in the native flagger? Or is it just direct output? For example, ffmpeg reports 2ch audio as "stereo".... so that needs to be converted to "2" for output (same with mono = 1). Are there any other conversions like these that I need to be aware of?
nul7 Wrote:One last question, are there any flag name conversions in the native flagger? Or is it just direct output? For example, ffmpeg reports 2ch audio as "stereo".... so that needs to be converted to "2" for output (same with mono = 1). Are there any other conversions like these that I need to be aware of?

For example, shell channels reported as 5.1 be converted to 6?

nul7 Wrote:I am currently reworking media flagging support in Ember Media Manager to be more compatible with CapnBry's code, and wanted to make sure I have everything right. Is this still all that's needed for nfo support:

? Or are there more fields now?
Just to confirm, yes those are all the fields. In the next patch under video stream details, codecid (fourcc) will be preferred over codec (decoder name), and aspectdisplayratio will be checked if no aspectratio key is present.

I'm not sure what you mean about converting 5.1->6 or stereo->2. Can't you just get the number of channels directly? Anything non-numeric will be discarded by the NFO import.
Question for ya.. i've been out of the loop for abit

how does the .nfo data we went over a few months ago compared to the final version? i.e. what do i need to change / modify for it to work correctly

CapnBry Wrote:Just to confirm, yes those are all the fields. In the next patch under video stream details, codecid (fourcc) will be preferred over codec (decoder name), and aspectdisplayratio will be checked if no aspectratio key is present.

I'm not sure what you mean about converting 5.1->6 or stereo->2. Can't you just get the number of channels directly? Anything non-numeric will be discarded by the NFO import.

Thanks for the confirmation. The reason for the conversions is that I'm utilizing ffmpeg.exe to scan the info. It, for example, outputs "stereo" for 2 channel. So it gets converted from "stereo" to "2" before saving to nfo.

After the next patch is released, should codecid be saved to a new "codecid" field in the nfo or does it just replace "codec" value?
fekker Wrote:how does the .nfo data we went over a few months ago compared to the final version? i.e. what do i need to change / modify for it to work correctly
Hey welcome back! Currently there are a couple missed items due to the fact that I wasn't planning on storing them back when we worked this out.

Aspect Ratio - I look for aspect and you have displayaspectratio. This is ok, my 'tiny fixups' patch I'll post today works with both.

Codec - (both fekker and nul7) Originally I was using the decoder to identify the codec, like 'mpeg4'. Popular opinion was that it should be the fourcc from the file, if it has one, such as 'xvid', 'divx', etc. So now it prefers fourcc, which fekker you output in codecid so you're good, and falls back to codec if there isn't one. nul7: ffmpeg's spew output is the decoder, so that goes in codec and you'd not put out a codecid tag at all.
CapnBry Wrote:Aspect Ratio - I look for aspectratio and you have displayaspectratio. This is ok, my 'tiny fixups' patch I'll post today works with both.

Is it "aspectratio"? One or two pages ago the so called validated nfo's has only "aspect". EMM is also saving it to "aspect" tag currently.
Not sure what's up, but my Dolby Digital 5.1 tracks are being reported as Dolby Digital 2.0 tracks. For the record they're even showing up as "AC3 - Stereo" in the track selector on the audio settings.

These are all encoded with handbrake in M4V containers with an H.264 video stream, an AAC stereo track (track 1), and a DD 5.1 track (track 2). DTS 5.1 tracks are working fine (those are in MKV containers). Files are stored on a Linux server over NFS, they play DD 5.1 even though XBMC thinks its stereo.

This is on my AppleTV running SVN rev21219, but I've seen it for at least the last couple of weeks.

I can make up a log tonight, but a quick glance through my current one shows nothing related. The files work fine but are being scanned incorrectly.
olympia Wrote:Is it "aspectratio"? One or two pages ago the so called validated nfo's has only "aspect". EMM is also saving it to "aspect" tag currently.
Oh snap you're right. Serves me right for posting first thing in the morning without looking at the code.

dan1son: You've got me on this one. If even the audio select area says Stereo, then its a pretty good chance ffmpeg thinks it is. What does it say on the codec info display you can bring up from fullscreen video? It's "O" on the keyboard, not sure how that works on AppleTV looks something like this:
CapnBry Wrote:Hey welcome back! Currently there are a couple missed items due to the fact that I wasn't planning on storing them back when we worked this out.

Aspect Ratio - I look for aspect and you have displayaspectratio. This is ok, my 'tiny fixups' patch I'll post today works with both.

Codec - (both fekker and nul7) Originally I was using the decoder to identify the codec, like 'mpeg4'. Popular opinion was that it should be the fourcc from the file, if it has one, such as 'xvid', 'divx', etc. So now it prefers fourcc, which fekker you output in codecid so you're good, and falls back to codec if there isn't one. nul7: ffmpeg's spew output is the decoder, so that goes in codec and you'd not put out a codecid tag at all.

Yes, I changed the implementation once again.... hopefully this time I'm on the right track. lol Just need to make the change to have the "codecid" field (I'm currently putting fourcc in "codec"..... if no output, use decoder for "codec").
CapnBry Wrote:dan1son: You've got me on this one. If even the audio select area says Stereo, then its a pretty good chance ffmpeg thinks it is.

That's bizarre. MediaInfo, VLC, and XBMC all claim it's 2 channels (they're all probably ffmpeg based). Yet my receiver is definitely claiming it's DD 5.1 and is pumping out 5.1 audio.

Quicktime "Movie Properties" is showing all 6 audio channels on the AC3 track... so it's scanning correctly.

I guess it's an upstream problem, I'll check with the ffmpeg and handbrake folk. Anyone able to use the "AppleTV preset" on handbrake and see AC3 5.1 in XBMC?

The media flags are awesome, btw.
dan1son Wrote:That's bizarre. MediaInfo, VLC, and XBMC all claim it's 2 channels (they're all probably ffmpeg based). Yet my receiver is definitely claiming it's DD 5.1 and is pumping out 5.1 audio.

Quicktime "Movie Properties" is showing all 6 audio channels on the AC3 track... so it's scanning correctly.

I guess it's an upstream problem, I'll check with the ffmpeg and handbrake folk. Anyone able to use the "AppleTV preset" on handbrake and see AC3 5.1 in XBMC?

The media flags are awesome, btw.

Does your audio card have dolby digital live on it? Probably not since I just realized you had appletv. Yeah you can probably ignore this since Quicktime is reporting 6 channels.
SlaveUnit Wrote:Does your audio card have dolby digital live on it? Probably not since I just realized you had appletv. Yeah you can probably ignore this since Quicktime is reporting 6 channels.

No... it's a straight AC3 pass-through stream so I'd imagine it's just being seen incorrectly by ffmpeg. It's also possible handbrake is tagging the stream wrong (although I don't know much about how the containers tag audio streams, and handbrake knows it's 5.1).

There is no dolby surround conversion being done on the output.

At first I thought maybe it was a new bug in the SVN builds of handbrake, but even my old encodes are listed as 2.0 when they are in fact 5.1.
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High-Definition Video Flagging (library filtering/sorting & skin thumbnails overlay)?7