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Beta xmltv Meld - creates a single xmltv file from rytec, zap etc
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On my Libreelec box the channels from my custom xml are yellow, but the xml itself is not.
Thanks for help, I'll try that on Windows.
You have to right click on the xmltv link and do "Add xmltv".
I should really have made it more obvious.
The logic is that you might want to temporarily ignore a whole xmltv file without having to remove the channels.
I've made all the context menus yellow now to make it a bit more obvious and changed "Add xmltv" to Subscribe.
There is a bit of help in the addon description too.

The timer should be fixed for Leia too.
Would it be possible for you to add the option to add all of the channels from the xml file please? Thx
Try version 0.0.8.
There should be options to "Add all channels" and "Remove all channels" now.
Don't blame me if your TV Guide grinds to a halt with all those channels. Wink
Thx I'll try when I'll get home Smile
@primaeval , one stupid question, please how do i add the xmltv file to your tv guide full screen after generating it through xmltv meld?  been strugling since. all the xmltv file was fine but dont know how to access it through TV guide. sorry to sound dumb.
The xmltv file ends up in

You add it into TV Guide Fullscreen in
Settings \ Source \ XMLTV Source = File
XMLTV File = userdata\addon_data\plugin.program.xmltv.meld\xmltv.xml

If you can't find the xmltv.xml file you might need to turn on
Kodi \ Settings \ Media \ General \ Show hidden files and directories

In Android you usually need to look in somewhere like
SD card\Android\data\org.xbmc.kodi\files\.kodi\userdata\addon_data\plugin.program.xmltv.meld\xmltv.xml
@primaeval , thank bro got it working.  one thing that is missing is there is no way to arrange the channel as you want like we use to do in your webgrabplus addon.  or   am i missing something.  btw. you are a great blessing to this community.

I haven't added any editing or re-arranging into "xmltv Meld" but I probably could if you need it.
That could be great bro but no rush though,  do it at your free time. currently I cant arrange the channel the way I want nor being able to  use remote number to change the channels like I used to do in your webgrabplus addon. I must say this is a great addon and looking to ditch webgrabplus which has been one problem to the other recently.
Try 0.0.10.
You can do basic sorting and channel moving in "Re-order channels".

If something goes wrong do a Reset or even delete the .storage folder and id_order.json file in the addon_data folder.

I'm not sure how long these xmltv sources will be around for. Nothing is forever in iptvland.

It looks like Webgrab+Plus is back up but I couldn't see any posts about what the problem was.
@primaeval , thanks for the update, I will give it a go.  my Webgrabplus is still pulling title from uk provider but no description, I always get ??  instead of Description. some say its .ini  file which is too advanced for me.
Webgrab is a complicated beast to get to grips with.
Sometimes the webgrab ini updates don't make it to the site.ini.pack for quite some time even if there is a fix in the forum.
If you ask nicely in their forum they will usually fix it for you.
At least with the UK channels you usually have a few providers to choose from if one is out of date.
I downloaded Busybox for Android but the zip fails to install. I deleted and tried again but it still failed.

I am running Kodi Leia current nightly build on a Minix U1.

Any ideas, thanks
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xmltv Meld - creates a single xmltv file from rytec, zap etc1