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[RELEASE] ESPN3.com Addon
Well, its not a big deal, sorry for distraction you by this silly question.
All of you did amazing work. As I said, I use whole great xbmc system because of this plugin ONLY! Thank you!
which xbmc version are you using? I just thought that view id numbers might have changed and that is why it isn't working.
Using xbmc-10.1, latest version. Blind clicks on different options hasn't brought result. I think it will demand some attention if other users declare such problem.
I will look into it.

i just discovered there is a higher quality stream option of live events. I will be adding support for this.


Does anyone have any ideas to improve or change the information displayed?

I had an idea to change the duration displayed for live events to be the length of time remaining on the event. right now it just displays the total time allotted for the event. I could put this information somewhere else though

I honestly don't watch sports so it isn't always intuitive for me on how to layout or display the information. I do like to drink at sporting events though.
Thumbs Up 

Hats off to you on a great plugin. I can confirm that after following your detailed instructions, the login part works flawlessly hence I'm able to watch ESPN, ESPN2, ESPNU and of course ESPN3 using a verizon login.

Thanks again!

BlueCop Wrote:I am going to work on log-in issues now.

This post has info on how to extract your swid from a browser session to use with the plugin. If login fails in the plugin then you can use this method to get it working right now.

I hope to work out all the log-in problems soon.
BC the new update rocks. Watching Sportscenter right now no issues. If we have a better quality then that would be more than asking for but having an option is always great.
Intel® Quad Core i5 Sandybridge @3.40GHz | ASRock Z775 Mobo 8GB DDR3 Ram | Logitech K400 Keyboard |
| Logitec Harmony 550 Remote| 46' Samsung LCD TV | Onkyo TX-S605 w/ Bose 5.1 Surround
the highest option it plays now is 1800kbps.
there is a 2200kbps option for the espn network streams. so it isn't that big of a bump.
I think as someone else mentioned we should maybe change the title to "Watch ESPN" now with a new watch espn logo.

Thanks i love this addin more and more.
Intel® Quad Core i5 Sandybridge @3.40GHz | ASRock Z775 Mobo 8GB DDR3 Ram | Logitech K400 Keyboard |
| Logitec Harmony 550 Remote| 46' Samsung LCD TV | Onkyo TX-S605 w/ Bose 5.1 Surround
Indeed a name change might be prudent.

I can change the name in the next update. I am going to keep the plugin id as plugin.video.espn3 though.

"Watch ESPN" will work but I kinda want to name it "ESPN" or "ESPN Networks". The "Watch" part just rubs me the wrong way. It seems commanding like I should be doing it what it says. I am crazy though and answer questions commercials ask me.
I agree with i never liked the "Watch" part either. ESPN seems to be simple and clean. Will wait for the next update and stream quality option.
Intel® Quad Core i5 Sandybridge @3.40GHz | ASRock Z775 Mobo 8GB DDR3 Ram | Logitech K400 Keyboard |
| Logitec Harmony 550 Remote| 46' Samsung LCD TV | Onkyo TX-S605 w/ Bose 5.1 Surround
XBMC Live 10.04.3
Must use login to access ESPN3 with remote access

I just updated the addon and went the previous instructions to setup the cookies.lwp file created. I think I have everything done correctly. But I get a script error when trying to view a Live event, or any event for that matter. Here it is...

22:53:25 T:2837445488 NOTICE: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<user-verified-media-response xmlns="http://services.bamnetworks.com/media/types/2.1" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
22:53:25 T:2837445488 INFO: -->Python script returned the following error<--
22:53:25 T:2837445488 ERROR: Error Type: <type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>
22:53:25 T:2837445488 ERROR: Error Contents: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'string'
22:53:25 T:2837445488 ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/brad/.xbmc/addons/plugin.video.espn3/default.py", line 514, in <module>
File "/home/brad/.xbmc/addons/plugin.video.espn3/default.py", line 186, in PLAYESPN3
File "/home/brad/.xbmc/addons/plugin.video.espn3/default.py", line 233, in PLAY
smilurl = tree.find('url').string
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'string'
22:53:25 T:2837445488 INFO: -->End of Python script error report<--
beschmid: could you try something for me.

config = 'http://espn.go.com/watchespn/player/config'
config = 'http://espn.go.com/watchespn/player/config?eanUser=true'

in PLAY() on line 210 in default.py

I think it should work then. I am rewriting some of the detection so that it will automatically detects authorization level and use the correct urls. Sorry if it is a problem right now. The next release this problem should be fixed. I am still learning fully how the site functions.
Hmm, line 210 reads,

networks = BeautifulStoneSoup(data, convertEntities=BeautifulStoneSoup.HTML_ENTITIES).find('networks').findAll('network')
Line 206 is,

config = 'http://espn.go.com/watchespn/player/config'
opps I forgot I am working off a different version. Line 206
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[RELEASE] ESPN3.com Addon12