Status of proper timeshift with TVHeadend
Try skipping instead of fastforward/rewinding.
ahhh school boy error! had noticed I hadn't de-selected the on demand checkbox in the time shift tab... Everything working pretty much perfectly now!
Could a nice soul share his Keymap.xml setup for skipping with left and right arrows on Kodi? I just can't figure it out.

I've looked at the wiki, ButtonTranslator.cpp and remote.xml and can't see anything related to PVR skipping / skipping in PVR context?

I also tried the Keymap Editor add-on which generated this

PHP Code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- This file is automatically generated by Keymap Editor, do not edit. -->
            <key id="61570">
            <key id="61571">

But it has no effect. Probably because it doesn't overwrite the default behavior (change channel group)?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I've got this in advancedsettings.xml:

PHP Code:
loglevel hide="false">1</loglevel>
usetimeseeking>true</usetimeseeking>  <!-- Whether to use time based or percentage based seeking. -->
timeseekforward>60</timeseekforward>  <!-- Time to seek forward in seconds when doing a short seek.  Defaults to 30. -->
timeseekbackward>-30</timeseekbackward>  <!-- Time to seek backward in seconds when doing a short seek.  Defaults to -30. -->
timeseekforwardbig>420</timeseekforwardbig>  <!-- Time to seek forward in seconds when doing a long seek.  Defaults to 600 (10 minutes). -->

And this in userdata/keymaps/remote.xml:

PHP Code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Thanks for your reply bas.t but I couldn't get it to work. Are you running Kodi 14?

I tried copying and pasting your remote.xml as is, modifying <remote> for <keyboard> (which I'm using) and using the the "Keymap Editor add-on way" <key id="left"> but none works. I always get that damned channel group change.

As for the advancedsettings.xml, I already had that setup as I've always been using this for regular video playback.

Anybody else want to chime in? Smile
I'm using Kodi Helix, with a mceusb. Don't change the remote.xml, it should not be keybord.xml. You asked for a working setup, this is what works.
As I stated, the first thing I tried was using your code as is and it didn't work. Then, since I'm using a regular keyboard and not a remote, I tried changing the <remote> tag to <keyboard> (as per the wiki), that is INSIDE the file, not the file name.

I'll try to start a brand new userdata folder see if it helps.

Just checked, my arrow keys on the keyboard work with the remote.xml, just like the arrow buttons of my remote.
I'm running Debian Jessie, so I compiled both Kodi and pvr.tvh from source. Just to clarify my situation.

I'm using pvr.tvh from (master branch).

It was merged yesterday to opdenkamps repo (and renamed to pvr.hts 2.0.0), but using that Kodi Helix crashes.
@ekred the mceusb remote is basically a keyboard and it shouldn't make any difference. Have you made sure there are no other keymaps conflicting? The keymap editor creates an XML file of its own?
I've been using MythTV/FFdecsawrapper for a couple of years now.
I did that just because TvHeadend/XBMC lacked proper timeshift.
And as a result of that, I've been maintaining FFdecsawrapper during those years

Timeshift still has a couple of rough edges IMHO, but comparing to MythTV it has become quite acceptable.
Rough edges would be:
  • sometimes not skipping to the right point in video while audio skips to right position
  • sometimes display 'blocked' video while jumping to seek point
  • falling back to percentage seek when recording a show is in progress and less then 15-30 minutes

The falling back to percentage seek is the most important flaw to me.

Other then that, I think timeshift works pretty much flawless.
I think I'll drop FFdecsawrapper and go back to TvHeadend/Kodi
I have another problem with timeshift it doesn't work for shift longer than 10 sec.
The is with Kodi 14, as well as with Kodi 15.
As tvheadend server I have v3.9. the timeshift storage location is the same as standard
recordings, which work well.
Has anybody an idea what I can test?
(2015-01-18, 18:52)sethach Wrote: I have another problem with timeshift it doesn't work for shift longer than 10 sec.
The is with Kodi 14, as well as with Kodi 15.
As tvheadend server I have v3.9. the timeshift storage location is the same as standard
recordings, which work well.
Has anybody an idea what I can test?

It would certainly help to provide the users of this forum with some more info, like:
  • what pvr addon are you using, from opdenkamp's repo or from addamsutton's repo?
  • what version of either repo are you using?
  • what happens exactly when timeshift is > 10 secs?
  • what distro are you on?
  • are you compiling from source? If so, how? (and are all compiletime and runtime deps met?)
  • If not, what pre-compiled packages are you using?
  • did you try to use another directory for timeshift?
  • what's the content of /home/<tvheadend user>/.hts/tvheadend/timeshift/config?
  • what exact version of tvheadend are you using?
  • where did you pastebin the (debug) logs?

You would get a better answer to your question, if any, if you give us some pointers.

If you are running Debian Jessie, I might be able to help you with this.
here some answers:
o pvr addon Adam Sutton 0.9.8 with Kodi 14.0 RC3 on fireTV 1, and addon Adam Sutton 2.0 with Kodi 15 downloaded at 18. Jan. on the 2nd FireTV.
o when timeshift is longer than 10 sec and I push play it starts for app. 10 sec. then the picture freezes and nothing happens. I only can stop, and choose another channel to get live tv back.
o I am running 2 FireTV, so it is android. the server is a Debian GNU/Linux 7.8 wheezy
o the timeshift has been /media/recording (USB HD) used for standard recordings, and I have tried /home/hts. At both I get an empty folder buffer, nothing else
o { "enabled": 1, "ondemand": 0, "path": "/media/Aufnahmen", "unlimited_period": 0, "max_period": 3600, "unlimited_size": 0, "max_size": 1808 }
o version is HTS Tvheadend 3.9.2342~g022e8d4
For timeshift config, try:

(except the path of course)

"enabled": 1,
"ondemand": 0,
"path": "/tv/timeshift",
"unlimited_period": 1,
"max_period": 3600,
"unlimited_size": 1,
"max_size": 10000

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Status of proper timeshift with TVHeadend0