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[LINUX] HOW-TO make a minimal Ubuntu Jaunty install with XBMC
Getting stuck on this part:
sudo apt-get install xorg build-essential gcc linux-headers-`uname -r`

Its doesn't seem to like the 'uname-r' part?!
Are you using uname -r or uname-r as you stated in your reply...it is supposed to be uname -r
tidan Wrote:Getting stuck on this part:
sudo apt-get install xorg build-essential gcc linux-headers-`uname -r`

Its doesn't seem to like the 'uname-r' part?!

You probably didn't see the backticks, compare: `uname -r` with 'uname -r' Wink
Asus P5N7A-VM + E8400
Ubuntu 9.10 32-bit
XBMC 9.11
j0bro Wrote:You probably didn't see the backticks, compare: `uname -r` with 'uname -r' Wink

Deeerrrrrr, I was using vertical single quotes not the back quote dingho. I'll give that a try - thanks!

Or you can just use

linux-headers-$(uname -r)
ASRock ION 330 | Onkyo TX-SR707 | KEF 2005.5 | Samsung LE-40F86 | Harmony 1000 Remote Control | XBMC Media Center Linux Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04
My XBMC Custom Installation script for Linux
cyberpark Wrote:@tidan

Or you can just use

linux-headers-$(uname -r)

That makes more sense to me. I'll try that way.
little addon for all usb-storage users:

sudo apt-get install usbmount

will add automounting of usb drives directly to the video section.

therefor edit
sudo nano /etc/usbmount/usbmount.conf

add filesystem vfat and ntfs to the list.
FILESYSTEMS="ext2 ext3 vfat ntfs"

i also added "ro" (read-only) to the mount attributes.
making it safer when unsafe plug-removal without umount
the ZOTAC ION (Atom 330) boards have an Atheros WLAN mini-PCI card but there seems no support in your minimal system for that one, could you please add this as those Zotac Atom 330 ION boards get more-and-more popular...
(the full-blown Ubuntu 9.0.4 does support the Zotac board so it's mainly a question of inserting the according driver into the minimal image)
best regards,

...and of course a dialog to manually configure the WLAN (SSID, password, ...)
Thanks for a great guide!

I have had alot of problems with performance and choppy playback in XBMC running in Ubuntu. Using Jaunty you could try this fix if you have the same issues:

Add text below in the /etc/rc.local file (above the "exit 0" text):
for i in /proc/sys/kernel/sched_domain/*
echo $(( `cat "$i/domain0/flags"` | 16 )) > "$i/domain0/flags"

Then Reboot.

This helped my performance ALOT when watching HQ material.

For more info, see this post where I got the info from:
Here's a thing. I don't usually have a keyboard plugged in, and synergy segfaults right now. Sometimes, XBMC crashes, and I'd like to restart it without having to bother with my laptop and ssh and stuff.

I have CTRL, ALT and BACKSPACE all mapped on my wiimote, so I thought - I can reboot X that way, and that'll restart XBMC as well. But no!

Ctrl-Alt-Backspace rebooting of X has been disabled in recent xorg builds. Add this to your /etc/X11/xorg.conf to re-enable it:

Section "ServerFlags"
    Option "DontZap" "false"

Restart X, etc.

But, I think due to not using a display manager, X only stops on Ctrl-Alt-Backspace, not restarts. This is unideal, and I don't want to waste ram and startup time using (x|g)dm. Time for some more clever I found somewhere else on the internet:

in your xbmc user's .bash_profile, have the following:

# start x for tty1. respawn if x stops.
if [ $(tty) == /dev/tty1 ]; then

BAM. You can now restart X using nothing more than a wiimote. Stop x, bash logs you out, event.d logs you back in, x restarts.

It does mean having two whole buttons mapped for CTRL and ALT (BACKSPACE is useful for 'back up one folder'), but I wasn't doing anything else with those buttons anyway.

This probably won't work if you're using XBMC's InputClient for the wiimote. I'm using wminput as described earlier in this guide.

Great howto, btw. Thanks very much.
Next useful hacklet: making sure xbmc is nice enough.

My htpc does Other Stuff too, and when it's rebooted, a whole load of processes run scans and checks on files, databases and the like. Sometimes this load causes XBMC to framedrop a bit, which is annoying.

So, we want renice. Renice requires root privs to lower nice values below 0 (lower nice means higher priority, default nice is zero). Hence the following line at the bottom of your sudoers file. Order is important in that file, rules are applied one after the other and can overrule previous entries. Edit this file with "sudo visudo"

xbmc  ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/renice

That allows the xbmc user to run "sudo renice" without having to enter a password. This means our .xsession file can look like this:

niceynicey() {
  # give xbmc time to start, then renice it
  sleep 15
  sudo renice -3 `pidof xbmc.bin` &

niceynicey &
exec xbmc --standalone

I just used your tutorial to install XBMC on my PC, but now XBMC isn't starting.
When I type in XBMC the error:

unable to open display
FEH.py: cannot connect to X server


I tried several things to get it work with no success. I reinstalled the driver, rewrote the xorg.conf, etc.

When I type startx, the screen went black, and shortly after that I get returned to the prompt. In the xorg.0.log are no errors reported.

I'm not used to Linux, so I need some help to get it working.

The Live-CD of XBMC runs fine.

My system:

AMD Athlon 3500+
Geforce 6600GT

Thank you
Why not follow the official guide?

Ninerian Wrote:Hello,

When I type in XBMC the error:

first type: startx

then open a terminal window, and there type: xbmc --standalone

or use the guide about automatic start of xbmc found in this thread (or the official ubuntu wiki)

for a beginner i would suggest installing from the live-cd or use the official-howto
Ninerian Wrote:Hello,

I just used your tutorial to install XBMC on my PC, but now XBMC isn't starting.
When I type in XBMC the error:

unable to open display
FEH.py: cannot connect to X server


I tried several things to get it work with no success. I reinstalled the driver, rewrote the xorg.conf, etc.

When I type startx, the screen went black, and shortly after that I get returned to the prompt. In the xorg.0.log are no errors reported.

I'm not used to Linux, so I need some help to get it working.

The Live-CD of XBMC runs fine.

My system:

AMD Athlon 3500+
Geforce 6600GT

Thank you

I have the same error since yesterday. After the update to the newest version of xbmc it doesnt start anymore. Sad
Sadly, 'sudo startx' doesnt work neither, but this could be an other problem with my installation (ubuntu mini 9.04, intel g915 onboard graphic).
Previous version of xbmc (rev. 22290) works very well on my plattform but yesterday I want to update my xbmc:
PHP Code:
sudo apt-get install xbmc
sudo apt
-get install xbmc-skin-*
sudo apt-get install xbmc-scripts-* 
after that if have the error 'unable to open display FEH.py: cannot connect to X server'. I check my xorg.conf but there is no error.
Please can someone help me with that? (I am a linux beginner :o)
kind regards
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[LINUX] HOW-TO make a minimal Ubuntu Jaunty install with XBMC6