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Newest builds won't even load (crash on startup)

bug posted. for updated info on potential fix see... http://trac.xbmc.org/ticket/5435

GUISETTINGS.XML causing XBMC to crash immediately on startup.

The USERDATA folder (and config XMLs) are in TWO PLACES and depending on the switch used to start XBMC (-p) it will use different places... its usage has changed in different builds, please see the online manual.

The workaround is to remove everything inside (and including) the <calibration> </calibration> tags in GUISETTINGS.XML. To be safe, do this with ALL GUISETTINGS.XML on your PC. Search your PC to find them... one will be in the XBMC\USERDATA folder and the other in your user profile (location depending on your OS).

Drowhunter has created an EXE to automate the process... download the compiled version here and run the uncalibrate.exe

I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
I got that but, as I said, it's not really a fix because as soon as you run XBMC again it replaces everything in the calibration tags again so the problem just reoccurs.

Not sure why you keep beating that drum, we know, we get it, get over it... no one is calling it a "fix". I have called it a work-around. see below.

Work-Around definition (from Merriam-Webster):
-- a plan or method to circumvent a problem (as in computer software) without eliminating it.
I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
Sorry, I assumed when you said 'There is a VERY EASY fix' you meant the removal method fixed it permanentally.

Finally I got Xbmc running using an Mplayer as external player
I installed xbmcsetup-rev18004-jester
and used an advancedsettings.xml file to get Mplayer working...

Every divx movie I have runs smoothly now on my Eeepc 900

BUT when run with ma sony bravia LCD as external screen the program crashes instantly

Switching to laptop screens solves the problem but there goes the whole point of having a media center...

I did not have this problem with the official release

Any ideas ?


E: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
20:22:54 T:1964 M:1766776832 NOTICE: Starting XBMC, Platform: Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 3 build 2600. Built on Feb 23 2009 (SVN:18004, compiler 1500)
20:22:54 T:1964 M:1766776832 NOTICE: Intel® Celeron® M processor 900MHz
20:22:54 T:1964 M:1766772736 NOTICE: Desktop Resolution: 1024x600 32Bit at 60Hz
20:22:54 T:1964 M:1766772736 NOTICE: special://xbmc/ is mapped to: C:\Program Files\XBMC
20:22:54 T:1964 M:1766772736 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/ is mapped to: C:\Documents and Settings\Pap\Application Data\XBMC\userdata
20:22:54 T:1964 M:1766772736 NOTICE: special://home/ is mapped to: C:\Documents and Settings\Pap\Application Data\XBMC
20:22:54 T:1964 M:1766772736 NOTICE: special://temp/ is mapped to: C:\Documents and Settings\Pap\Application Data\XBMC\cache
20:22:54 T:1964 M:1766772736 NOTICE: The executable running is: C:\Program Files\XBMC\XBMC.exe
20:22:54 T:1964 M:1766772736 NOTICE: Log File is located: C:\Documents and Settings\Pap\Application Data\XBMC\xbmc.log
20:22:54 T:1964 M:1766772736 NOTICE: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
20:22:54 T:1964 M:1766752256 NOTICE: Setup SDL
20:22:54 T:1964 M:1765412864 NOTICE: load settings...
20:22:54 T:1964 M:1765392384 NOTICE: special://profile/ is mapped to: special://masterprofile/
20:22:54 T:1964 M:1765388288 NOTICE: loading special://masterprofile/guisettings.xml

CRASH !!!!
Does it not crash if the application is started, then the external screen connected?
Very cryptic phoboss but indeed...
After editing the guisettings.xml file the mediacenter works...
Hope this problem is solved in future versions

Solved.. Boy this software has an excellent forum !
Thanks for all the reports we more or less know whats going on.
The fix isn't that easy though as it needs a redesign of the resolution settings.
Always read the XBMC online-manual, FAQ and search the forum before posting.
Do not e-mail XBMC-Team members directly asking for support. Read/follow the forum rules.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first.
excellent! hope this can be resolved soon :-)
looks like 18150 fixed this issue ... at least for me!
Okay glad to find this post. I have been screwed by the same problem that many people here have. Everything was working well till I went to the latest build. Then I tried to go back to the original build and the progman still crashes. I have cleaned out and completely deleted the userdata folders still no go.

Please see original post -->
Kodi v17.6
Gigabyte GA-Z85N-WIFI + Intel 4670K with onboard gfx / sound
Win 7 Prof 64bit + Denon X3100 + Benq HT1070
I don't seem to have a GUISETTINGS.xml on my computer ??. I've installed the latest 8.10 installer off the frontpage.
this bug was fixed... just install a newer build. 8.1 is OLD

see sticky on this forum

I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
Livin Wrote:this bug was fixed... just install a newer build. 8.1 is OLD

see sticky on this forum



I just installed the newest build from the sticky and still getting the same startup problem.

Any idea's ?
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Newest builds won't even load (crash on startup)1