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[RELEASE] XBMC TV using MediaPortal TVserver (XBMP-TV Script)
ich4711 Wrote:moin !

seems that the "grab the channel groups and sorting of them from tvserver backend" is not really working.

if i manually create the groups from the backend with same name in xbmc the channels are listed ind that groups but in wrong order...

any hints ?


I have the same problem.
margro Wrote:@Fry7:
I probably found the timer issue (timers were stored for wrong channels).
First of all, thanks very much for getting back on me!

margro Wrote:Could you try this new version:
Mediaportal PVR addons (Dharma-PVR, win32). Just replace the existing ones in the addons directory.

Just tried to try it - and there's the first confusing thing: those folders didn't exist on my system...

I run Win7Pro x64, so the addons-folder is located inside
(or simply %APPDATA%\XBMC\addons).

Just copied your folders in there, and voilà - recordings are working, timeline and timers are set correctly.

But: I now suddenly have two server entries in the recordings-section, both listing the same library...
Forget that, those copied folders just activated the ffmpeg-plugin, too. Deactivated it, so now I've got one recordings-server left.

And (a bit off-topic): while trying to find errors inside my MePoTVS-config, I started playing with that internetradio-thingy inside MePoTVS - and after having copied your files to the addons-directory, the two test-entries I had made just got listed (wasn't like that before). Nevertheless, I can't play them, XBMC just hangs.

Any idea what could have gone wrong in my installation? Why were these folders missing...

However, thank's a lot!
Kodi v17.6 with shared MariaDB v10.3 | HTS Tvheadend 4.2.6 on RPi2 | running on:
Windows 10x64 | Nvidia Shield | FireTV4k | FireTVStick4 | Android 5 | RPi3 with OSMC
You need a special build for PVR support. The official nightlies don't have PVR support.
See my signature for (windows) PVR builds.

You don't need to create those groups manually. They should be imported automatically (pre-Eden builds only).
Sorting within a group can't be imported from the backend, because XBMC-PVR has at the moment no separate channelorder field.

Tsreader on ATV2: "when it is done".
Tsreader code comes from MediaPortal and is therefore Windows only. I have to rewrite it for cross platform usage.

Location of the existing folders is inside your XBMC dir (also under Win 7).
Internet radio from MePo TV to XBMC used to work. Have to test it again. Does your log file give you any clues?
Developer of the MediaPortal PVR addon and retired developer of the Argus-TV PVR-addon.
margro Wrote:@Fry7:
Location of the existing folders is inside your XBMC dir (also under Win 7).

Blush Right then, just moved those folders to XBMC's programfolder...

margro Wrote:Internet radio from MePo TV to XBMC used to work. Have to test it again. Does your log file give you any clues?

It logs something like "error probing input format, pvr://" and "error creating demuxer", here is the relevant snippet from my log (I hope that it is), so if you want to have a short look...
Kodi v17.6 with shared MariaDB v10.3 | HTS Tvheadend 4.2.6 on RPi2 | running on:
Windows 10x64 | Nvidia Shield | FireTV4k | FireTVStick4 | Android 5 | RPi3 with OSMC

I have just started trying to use the mediaportal plugin but not having much luck, I posted this in another forum before realising i should be posting here.
If anyone can point out why its not working that would be hugely appreciated.

I've followed the guides to get this going but not having much luck.
Hopefully someone maybe able to help me as this is something I have looked forward to for a long time.

mediaportal tv engine on separate computer.
plugin on tvengine is installed and enabled.
Checked I can telnet to it, works fine.

Configured ip in tsreader for tvengine server.

Enable live tv, grabs the tv guide etc so thats a good sign.
But when I try and watch any tv it gives a timeout error.

08:45:21 T:5572 M:4294967295 NOTICE: Starting XBMC, Platform: Windows 7, 64-bit (WoW) Service Pack 1 build 7601. Built on Jun 5 2011 (Git:8d172e1, compiler 1500)

8:55:03 T:2964 M:4294967295   DEBUG: AddOnLog: xbmc.pvrclient/MediaPortal PVR Client (TSReader): ->OpenLiveStream(40)
08:55:03 T:5572 M:4294967295   DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogBusy.xml) ------
08:55:06 T:2964 M:4294967295    INFO: AddOnLog: xbmc.pvrclient/MediaPortal PVR Client (TSReader): Channel stream URL: rtsp://SERVER/stream2.0, timeshift buffer: D:\mediaportal_streaming\live2-0.ts.tsbuffer
08:55:06 T:2964 M:4294967295   DEBUG: AddOnLog: xbmc.pvrclient/MediaPortal PVR Client (TSReader): CRTSPClient::CRTSPClient()
08:55:06 T:2964 M:4294967295   DEBUG: AddOnLog: xbmc.pvrclient/MediaPortal PVR Client (TSReader): CRTSPClient::Initialize()
08:55:06 T:2964 M:4294967295   DEBUG: AddOnLog: xbmc.pvrclient/MediaPortal PVR Client (TSReader): CRTSPClient::createClient()
08:55:06 T:2964 M:4294967295   DEBUG: AddOnLog: xbmc.pvrclient/MediaPortal PVR Client (TSReader): CTsReader::Open(D:\mediaportal_streaming\live2-0.ts.tsbuffer)
08:55:06 T:2964 M:4294967295   DEBUG: AddOnLog: xbmc.pvrclient/MediaPortal PVR Client (TSReader): FileReader::OpenFile() Trying to open D:\mediaportal_streaming\live2-0.ts.tsbuffer
08:55:07 T:2964 M:4294967295   DEBUG: AddOnLog: xbmc.pvrclient/MediaPortal PVR Client (TSReader): FileReader::OpenFile(), open file D:\mediaportal_streaming\live2-0.ts.tsbuffer failed. Error code 3
08:55:08 T:2964 M:4294967295   DEBUG: AddOnLog: xbmc.pvrclient/MediaPortal PVR Client (TSReader): MultiFileReader: timedout while waiting for buffer file to become available
08:55:08 T:2964 M:4294967295   DEBUG: ADDON::CAddonHelpers_Addon::QueueNotification: xbmc.pvrclient-MediaPortal PVR Client (TSReader) - Error Message : Time out while waiting for buffer file
08:55:08 T:2964 M:4294967295   DEBUG: XFILE::CPVRFile::Open - TV Channel has started on filename pvr://channels/tv/all/1.pvr
08:55:08 T:2964 M:4294967295  NOTICE: Creating Demuxer
08:55:08 T:2964 M:4294967295   DEBUG: Win32DllLoader::Load(special://xbmcbin/system/players/dvdplayer/avutil-50.dll)
08:55:08 T:2964 M:4294967295   DEBUG: Win32DllLoader::Load(special://xbmcbin/system/players/dvdplayer/avcodec-52.dll)
08:55:08 T:2964 M:4294967295   DEBUG: Win32DllLoader::Load(special://xbmcbin/system/players/dvdplayer/libfaad.dll)
08:55:08 T:2964 M:4294967295   DEBUG: Win32DllLoader::Load(special://xbmcbin/system/players/dvdplayer/avformat-52.dll)
08:55:09 T:2964 M:4294967295   DEBUG: CDVDDemuxFFmpeg::Open - probing detected format [mp3]
08:55:09 T:2964 M:4294967295   DEBUG: CDVDDemuxFFmpeg::Open - av_find_stream_info starting
08:55:18 T:2964 M:4294967295   ERROR: PVR: No video or audio data available after 15 seconds, playback stopped
08:55:18 T:2964 M:4294967295   DEBUG: ffmpeg[B94]: [mp3] Could not find codec parameters (Audio: mp3, 0 channels, s16)
08:55:18 T:2964 M:4294967295   DEBUG: ffmpeg[B94]: [mp3] Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate
08:55:18 T:2964 M:4294967295 WARNING: CDVDDemuxFFmpeg::Open - av_find_stream_info could not find codec parameters for pvr://channels/tv/all/1.pvr
08:55:18 T:2964 M:4294967295   ERROR: PVR: No video or audio data available after 15 seconds, playback stopped
08:55:18 T:2964 M:4294967295   ERROR: CDVDDemuxFFmpeg::Open - error reading from input stream, pvr://channels/tv/all/1.pvr
08:55:18 T:2964 M:4294967295   ERROR: PVR: No video or audio data available after 15 seconds, playback stopped
08:55:18 T:2964 M:4294967295   ERROR: CDVDDemuxFFmpeg::Open - error reading from input stream, pvr://channels/tv/all/1.pvr
08:55:19 T:2964 M:4294967295   ERROR: PVR: No video or audio data available after 15 seconds, playback stopped
08:55:19 T:2964 M:4294967295   ERROR: CDVDDemuxFFmpeg::Open - error reading from input stream, pvr://channels/tv/all/1.pvr
08:55:19 T:2964 M:4294967295   ERROR: PVR: No video or audio data available after 15 seconds, playback stopped
08:55:19 T:2964 M:4294967295   ERROR: CDVDDemuxFFmpeg::Open - error reading from input stream, pvr://channels/tv/all/1.pvr
08:55:19 T:2964 M:4294967295   ERROR: PVR: No video or audio data available after 15 seconds, playback stopped
08:55:19 T:2964 M:4294967295   ERROR: CDVDDemuxFFmpeg::Open - error reading from input stream, pvr://channels/tv/all/1.pvr
08:55:19 T:2964 M:4294967295   ERROR: PVR: No video or audio data available after 15 seconds, playback stopped
08:55:19 T:2964 M:4294967295   ERROR: CDVDDemuxFFmpeg::Open - error reading from input stream, pvr://channels/tv/all/1.pvr
08:55:19 T:2964 M:4294967295   ERROR: PVR: No video or audio data available after 15 seconds, playback stopped
08:55:19 T:2964 M:4294967295   ERROR: CDVDDemuxFFmpeg::Open - error reading from input stream, pvr://channels/tv/all/1.pvr
08:55:20 T:2964 M:4294967295   ERROR: PVR: No video or audio data available after 15 seconds, playback stopped
08:55:20 T:2964 M:4294967295   ERROR: CDVDDemuxFFmpeg::Open - error reading from input stream, pvr://channels/tv/all/1.pvr
08:55:20 T:2964 M:4294967295   ERROR: PVR: No video or audio data available after 15 seconds, playback stopped
08:55:20 T:2964 M:4294967295   ERROR: CDVDDemuxFFmpeg::Open - error reading from input stream, pvr://channels/tv/all/1.pvr
08:55:20 T:2964 M:4294967295   ERROR: CDVDPlayer::OpenDemuxStream - Error creating demuxer
08:55:20 T:2964 M:4294967295  NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit()
08:55:20 T:2964 M:4294967295  NOTICE: CDVDPlayer::OnExit() deleting input stream
08:55:20 T:2964 M:4294967295   DEBUG: AddOnLog: xbmc.pvrclient/MediaPortal PVR Client (TSReader): CRTSPClient::~CRTSPClient()
08:55:20 T:2964 M:4294967295    INFO: AddOnLog: xbmc.pvrclient/MediaPortal PVR Client (TSReader): CloseLiveStream: True
08:55:20 T:2964 M:4294967295   DEBUG: Thread 2964 terminating
TSreader will only work on a single seat setup. Use the mediaportal ffmpeg plugin.
um.. the tsreader actually works fine for multi seat applications.

you will need to map a network share to the EXACT file structure as on mepo tv server ie h:\recordings. both server and client must see the same folder structure. the rest will work like magic :-)

Maybe this post helps you with trying...

Instead of creating a new partition you could also use the Windows-command 'subst' to create a virtual local drive by assigning a driveletter to any existent folder, e.g.:

rem # assigning virtual drive T:\ to local folder E:\recordings #

subst T: E:\recordings

rem # this assignment is NOT persistent, will manually be released by this command:#

subst T: /D

rem # to get this assignment back after reboot, simply create a schedulded task running the first command#

You now can share that whole "drive" using explorer, like T$. <-- Bulls***, doesn't work with a subst-driveletter... sorry.

What you can do is to
  • share a folder like E:\MePoTV where your folder \recordings exists, e.g. as "my_ts"
  • than locally substitute this folder to T:\ so that MePo has to be configured to use T:\recordings for timeshift and recordings
  • finally populating this share to your client by assigning \\meposerver\my_ts to drive T:\ and configuring XBMC to use T:\recordings as well

Sorry for any confusion I may have unleashed, mixed up some memories on using subst... Confused
Kodi v17.6 with shared MariaDB v10.3 | HTS Tvheadend 4.2.6 on RPi2 | running on:
Windows 10x64 | Nvidia Shield | FireTV4k | FireTVStick4 | Android 5 | RPi3 with OSMC
loggio Wrote:TSreader will only work on a single seat setup. Use the mediaportal ffmpeg plugin.

The ffmpeg plugin pixelates alot Sad
Margro posted that I can just enable the rtsp option in the tsreader which will make it work in a multiseat environment - and it works.

But now I am wondering which option is "better" would one give better performance? enabling the rtsp option, or sharing the folder?
I guess sharing the folder should give you reasonably faster channel switching than over rtsp.
And a bit less load on your TV-Server.
Kodi v17.6 with shared MariaDB v10.3 | HTS Tvheadend 4.2.6 on RPi2 | running on:
Windows 10x64 | Nvidia Shield | FireTV4k | FireTVStick4 | Android 5 | RPi3 with OSMC
How can I set the channel icons in XBMC Live TV section?
I'm using xbmc-margro-20110605-ef9f8d6-dx.exe, MediaPortal (tsreader) and tried TV-Server 1.1.3 and 1.2.0 beta. The links to logos are in tvguide.xml file, but there is no effect...Sad

Is there any chances to integrate this patch
to you branch?

In your next build, can you add the following:

Because these two combined= Awesome.

can the patched version be installed on apple tv ?
Hi Margro,

Any chance that you could do a new build soon Wink

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[RELEASE] XBMC TV using MediaPortal TVserver (XBMP-TV Script)8