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(mastiha @ sep. 10 2004,15:17 Wrote:thanks for the update guys.

unfortunately, unless there's a way to adjust the caching settings,  i am unable to use it as the trailer quickly becomes unwatchable.
just pause the trailer at the start for 10-20 seconds and then play it....works fine 4 me... :thumbsup:
(mouton @ sep. 10 2004,16:30 Wrote:after using it for a while yesterday, i thought it would be better to be able to scroll pages using the down arrow while any of the 3 bottom thumb is selected, or using the up arrow while any of the 3 top thumbs is selected.
would probably only have to make a quick fix. will see.
made it focus on the down arrow automatically, but i don't think i can make it auto-scroll down...
also changed the on-focus image. orange border and shaded/transparent image.
all fixes added to my last rar

have tried out your script and followed your instructions.
none of the thumbs are available - the aqtcache directory is under the scripts directory and the arrows/backgorund images do not appear. i have placed these in the media directory as directed.

i am using ntsc wide as my default project mayhem skin.

any ideas please?
the script was revised by mouton
grab it here

everything works now..... except most of the tumb nail posters dont get downloaded.... .. so you se a blank image instead.......
othere than that every thing works pretty good
it would be cool if someone could make a script like this for http://www.gametrailers.com/ :kickass:
thanks white_rabbit.

done that and its all fine - apart from the thumbnails as you have said. Wink
i'm using the latest version of this script and it seems to only download the posters for the movies which appear in the 'now showing' category. all the other movies don't download the posters. i'm guessing there's an error in the parse script somewhere although i've not taken a close look yet. can anyone else confirm?
@Billy, like white_rabbit says; not all thumbs get downloaded.

my own problem, with older version of the scripts i get numerous pages in the "show all" category.
however with this one i only get six thumbs (or black images) and i can't see more.

edit; great script btw :d
edit 2; humm. i don't have correct graphic files that's why the arrow up and down don't show up. nevermind
(nogood5 @ sep. 14 2004,11:31 Wrote:@Billy, like white_rabbit says; not all thumbs get downloaded.
yes, i was simply trying to work out why only some of the posters get downloaded.
because only some of the posters actually exists on apple.com
wait a while after starting the script, and go in other categories, you'll see some thumbs.
(mouton @ sep. 14 2004,13:05 Wrote:because only some of the posters actually exists on apple.com
wait a while after starting the script, and go in other categories, you'll see some thumbs.
i've done this. i'm on a 2mb and i left the script for an hour or so at least and no more thumbs were downloaded. but if you go out of the script and back in again and display the 'now showing' list, those thumbs are downloaded no problem and then they display in the other categories. if you just leave the script it doesn't seem to do much. or maybe it's just me?
it doesn't seem to do much because it's working in a background thread.
here, i got many thumbs from all the other categories last time i tried. maybe apple changed their format since then.
(mouton @ sep. 14 2004,14:27 Wrote:it doesn't seem to do much because it's working in a background thread.
here, i got many thumbs from all the other categories last time i tried. maybe apple changed their format since then.
could you try clearing your thumbs from your xbox and re-downloading to see if you can replicate the issue? it's very odd.
had a quick look at the scripts and found a few issues that messed things a bit up for me (gui), e.g. with the scroll up/down arrows.

the images_dir value should only be used with the skin-file (i.e. background2.png or background3.png depending on the p. mayham version you are using).

for the other python .png's, the refference images_dir should be removed, e.g.

>>> self.btnlastpage = xbmcgui.controlbutton(self.resizex( 90), self.resizey(390), self.resizex(16), self.resizey(16), '', images_dir + 'scroll-up-focus.gif', images_dir + 'scroll-up.png')

must be changed to

>>> self.btnlastpage = xbmcgui.controlbutton(self.resizex( 90), self.resizey(390), self.resizex(16), self.resizey(16), '', 'scroll-up-focus.gif', 'scroll-up.png')

to work.

at least this was the case for me. the only 'skin file' i have in the p. mayham 'media' folder is background3.png.

as for the missing posters, i haven't figured out what is wrong. deleting and reloading thumbs does not give a consistent result. sometimes you get the poster, sometimes you don't (e.g. for taxi - when it appears in 'now showing' i get the poster, otherwise i don't). must be something with the parsing code...?


what about an interface to http://www.movie-list.com/

they have more than 2300 quicktime trailers, new, classics, everything Smile
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