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[WIP] Neon - a new skin for XBMC
smilenkovski Wrote:Hi stoli.
It seems that font you are using for the movie names is not unicode which causes square instead letters on the foreign films. Pity, I like tghe font very much. Maybe there is unicode version of the same font out there?

Here's a link to a new font and font.xml file if you want to give it a try.


I have done very little resizing or adjusting, so it's not a finished product; I'd just like some feedback on it and how well it handles foreign characters. It's not truly unicode....

Just save the font to \skin.neon\fonts folder and the fonts.xml to the \720 folder, just make a copy of your existing font.xml file so you can go back.

I'm missing a background for the HD Movies option on the home view. Other than that, it looks good Smile
MindTooth Wrote:I'm missing a background for the HD Movies option on the home view. Other than that, it looks good Smile

That's odd. I just did a clean pull and it's there. Do you have a \skin.neon\backgrounds\HDmovies.jpg file?

Nope, and its not here either;
Ok - I see that some of my graphics/images are not getting pushed upstream to git. Lemme figure out what is going on there... Lord only knows how out of whack things may be. Huh
Hi stoli.
After testing xbmc with new (unicode) font for a few hours I'll suggest to continue search for more appropriate one. The one which will require no need for so many corrections. The new font is thiner which came more elegant in some situations but too light in other. But, of course , design is a matter os taste...
making the changes aren't a problem - that's actually pretty easy for fonts. I'll keep looking though - thanks for the help.
MindTooth Wrote:I'm missing a background for the HD Movies option on the home view. Other than that, it looks good Smile

Should be fixed now -- I still need to do some careful comparisons, but it looks correct.

Thanks goes to mcborzu for a tip on git.

Thanks Smile It seemed fixed on Github at least. Downloading now give it try.
MindTooth Wrote:Thanks Smile It seemed fixed on Github at least. Downloading now give it try.

All new fonts - just one font for the entire skin now.

Git updated with a lot of missing items - just newer images/overlays that had not been updated before.

** If you have been updating via the zip, I strongly recommend starting fresh from here. There are a ton of files that have been removed. **




More updated images in first post - Enjoy!
Nice font solution. Clean. Thank you.
Thumbs Up 
I have been impressed with the views that I found in the new "Basic" skin. Altho the rest of the skin is not my cup of tea... Neon stays my favourite.
But....maybe I can inspire you to do even greater things than you and McBorzu have already done! Wink

Movie View

Movie View II

TV Show Logo View

TV Show Season View

TV Show Episode View
Those would fit well with the current Fanart tv view.... Maybe in time.

Currently working to get Neon added to the official addons. Once that is done I'll look at adding new views.

Updates today:

- New Volume dialog
- New Watched overlay - Trial - still not sure on this one, but I don't like the eye.
- Updated skin settings bar so all setttings are displaying the current state:

Before some items (view and sort in particular) displayed the current settings whereas Fanart and View mode would display the next option. Confusing... now it is always the current setting.

Awesome skin, some nicer icons in file mode would be nice but I like it a lot.
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[WIP] Neon - a new skin for XBMC4