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[RELEASE] Hulu (Video) Plugin
Ohburn: read the wiki on Logs.
also read the ios/atv2 sub forum. It has tons of info.

Hulu has security. You want to use the plug-in then you are going to have to meet their requirements. These aren't my requirements.

I am not here educated people how to compile and patch code, ssh, or bypass region restrictions. There are already places everywhere on the net for that.

If you don't know how to do these things then you can't use the plugin. Again this is because hulu has requirements that you can't meet. It is not my fault. It is because you can't do what is required.

Please stop this, if you want help, post the log...it's simple

What you think is relevant might not be what addon author wants to see, all, once more , ALL addon authors first want the debug log... Without it it's just a major waste of time.

If you wish to help others that you think might have a similar issue, please either start a new thread or edit wiki to reflect what you did.

amet Wrote:@peebs

Please stop this, if you want help, post the log...it's simple

What you think is relevant might not be what addon author wants to see, all, once more , ALL addon authors first want the debug log... Without it it's just a major waste of time.

If you wish to help others that you think might have a similar issue, please either start a new thread or edit wiki to reflect what you did.


So, you're proposing I post a log from my perfectly working setup? I'm not sure what good that's going to do anyone, as there won't be any errors to digest and resolve.
peebs Wrote:So, you're proposing I post a log from my perfectly working setup? I'm not sure what good that's going to do anyone, as there won't be any errors to digest and resolve.

I am sure you are just being silly, you know exactly what I am saying... But if that's a game you want to play... I am ready
Just another note from a happy user here... it did take me some searching in this thread and tweaking settings, but setting the ad pre-roll to 0 did the trick for me. Are ads working for anyone? I'm happy to watch a few ads if it makes Hulu happy and less likely to break plug-ins like this one.

I do think the recommendation some had about a FAQ might be helpful. Maybe a sticky post or whatever in this thread with some of the very common issues. Off the top of my head, it sounds like these should be included.

1) Upgrade to Eden - Dharma needs librtmp patch applied, no longer supported by BlueCop (as I read post #843)
2) Try setting Preroll ads to 0
3) Try changing CDN
4) Try changing quality
5) Post logs for more detailed help

That summarizes what I've gotten from most issues reported/resolved in recent posts.

My only "issue" now is on the ATV2, it takes a while to get the content directories. If I go for example to NBC, it can take ~15 seconds to download all of the entries. The progress bar often goes quickly to maybe 83% and then sits there for several seconds before finishing. I chalk this up to the performance of the ATV2 though, as it is much faster on my PC with all of the same config settings.

Thanks BlueCop again for a great add-on (and your others, also)!
amet Wrote:I am sure you are just being silly, you know exactly what I am saying... But if that's a game you want to play... I am ready

No, actually I misread your other post. I thought you had said, "If you want to help, post the log" rather than "If you want help, post the log." I agree wholeheartedly. I was just accustomed to getting screamed at about not posting a log of my already working setup before responding... Confusing, eh?

I agree with Bluecop that we can't really discuss how to bypass location restrictions, and things of that nature. What really needs to be hashed out, though, is the prerequisites / dependencies of the plugin. That would dramatically reduce the number of questions. What some seem to be failing to grasp is that not everyone has in-depth knowledge, nor wants in-depth knowledge of the XBMC internals, how Hulu itself works, rtmpdump, et cetera. They just want to be able to use it to its fullest, and I think that is just fine. Also, not everyone has been here since the beginning of the thread. Most of what has been posted in the last 88 pages is completely irrelevant for the current iteration of the plugin. It's an ongoing process, I realize, but any semblance of support is going to continue to be an exercise in frustration and futility if people aren't fully aware of the things the plugin depends on.

Here's a starting point...

Hulu Plugin Prerequisites:
1. It is highly recommended that you are running Eden.
2. You need to have librtmp version 2.4.
a. For Windows, here's where / how you get it: [url goes here]
b. For Apple TV, here's where / how you get it: [url goes here]
c. For XBMC Live / Ubuntu / Debian: Try this
3. If you are not in the United States, all bets are off. You can attempt to use proxies at your own risk. If you do, you may need to change the preroll ads to 0, set the CDN to a specific carrier, or it may not work at all.

#2 is the hardest part to deal with. I don't know where to get it for Windows, because I haven't looked. Same thing for Apple TV. Having that information available in a single location, however, would be a great jumping-off point for end-users, and would save a lot of headaches in this thread.

I think this is very valuable information, and would help everyone in the thread, Bluecop included. He wouldn't need to waste his time helping people with the simplest of dependencies, and his stress level will go down. It's all fun and games for people to get riled up about things, until they burst a vein, and end up in the hospital. Then, where would the community be? Without a Hulu plugin, and nobody wants that.

We're all on the same team. Everyone needs to take a step back, stop acting like jerks (myself included), and work toward the common goal of making things as easily accessible as possible for all users.
I am going to make a new Hulu support post with a link to this one
This is so I can control the first post. I will try to detail the settings.

Dharma has a bug that makes ad playback and commercial segmenting not work correctly. It will display blank screens for some playlist items. I am not sure what is causing this but it is fixed in Eden.

That bug and the requirement for upgrading your librtmp makes supporting it a problem. It is much easier to only support Eden and have users upgrade because it has the new librtmp and it doesn't have that bug.

bswiz: I am have a new version that works faster. I replaced BeautifulSoup with Element Tree and there is a speed up processing xml. I also am using the great Common cache module from TobiasTheCommie. It offers caching of any function. It is really nice to quickly reload directory or videos.

I was waiting for the Eden final version of the common cache so I could release it with that. I believe there were changes to be made. I could release it intermediate but that would probably cause problems with some dharma users who still use it.
please directory future inquiries to this thread.


I will try to collect a few librtmp links to add to the post. there is a librtmp for atv2 in the downloads on my repo. windows users can download a newer rtmpdump from several places to grab the librtmp.dll out of. There is also a mac version around somewhere.

I will be adding an option for using a proxy because every browser has thta option. You will need to use a US based proxy that you find or provide. It isn't supported that anyone use it internationally though. I just don't like that some people have to pay for services to bypass restrictions. I would rather them pay Hulu for plus service and get more content and better quality.
BlueCop Wrote:please directory future inquiries to this thread.


I will be adding an option for using a proxy because every browser has thta option. You will need to use a US based proxy that you find or provide. It isn't supported that anyone use it internationally though. I just don't like that some people have to pay for services to bypass restrictions. I would rather them pay Hulu for plus service and get more content and better quality.

:cool2: NodNodNod Thank you so much for adding the option of Proxy.
I hope this is the right plugin (the one from bluecop). I installed the XBMC plugin and I have my subscriptions going to my library (Ef'n Awesome!!!!). That was all fairly simple enough. I do have a quesiton though. It seems it is not tracking the watched status. I search this thread and found no mention of this issue. Is this something limited to just me, or is it a side effect of how the items are added to the library (being they are streamed instead of actual video files).

If the former, can anyone think why its not working for me?

If the latter, is there a possibility of setting it to watched when you first start an episode/movie?

As a simple fix I will map the W key to a key on my remote, but it would be easier if it operated like the local files and do this automatically (if possible).

BTW, I am running the latest version as of today with Eden Beta 2.

Thanks for the awesome plugin! I've grown my tv library from 129 shows with 9,400 episodes to now over 150 with over 11,000 episodes!
I am trying to move the discussion to the new thread here.


I don't think xbmc tracks completing strm files. the strm files only launch the plugin to play the video. I don't know how xbmc keeps track of things in this situation really.
docmichael Wrote:Thanks that worked for me,now if i can get this to work in my Jetway that has openelec on it i'll be set!

Try this, worked for me on ATV1 - http://forum.xbmc.org/showpost.php?p=839939&postcount=8

can you please upload your atv1 version of librtmp, the link in the post doesn't work,

Has this plugin stopped working? I'm getting HTTP errors for all videos.

start of HULU plugin
12:56:57 T:22848 NOTICE: HULU--> common.args.mode -- > TV_play
12:56:58 T:22848 NOTICE: HULU --> Posted view
12:56:58 T:22848 NOTICE: HULU --> SMILURL: http://s.hulu.com/select?vp=1&ep=1&devic...981df1aabe
12:56:58 T:22848 NOTICE: HULU --> common :: getFEED :: url = http://s.hulu.com/select?vp=1&ep=1&devic...981df1aabe
12:56:58 T:22848 NOTICE: Error reason:
12:56:58 T:22848 NOTICE: HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error
12:56:58 T:26044 ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 0, path [plugin://plugin.video.hulu/?mode="TV_play"&url="50072647"&videoid="166746"&eid="VZQagcpb-UB_3Jezz8we8w"]
The plugin is fine, I used it this morning, however hulu is down at the moment.
please post in the other support thread here

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[RELEASE] Hulu (Video) Plugin1