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XBMC AJAX Interface (BETA)
Plenty of people were asking for an update surprised no one answered yet, well this a great program & update, the most important thing is the ease of use and the options to browse by artist or album cover, would like to also browse by genre if possible, i have all different types of music for all different types of guests that come in and out of my house. I have a request when browsing by artist, when you click on a artist name and the list of songs come up for that artist is it possible to show what album those songs are from, or maybe put an album art in a section with those songs, something like this.

Thanks for the update
KingJames Wrote:I have a request when browsing by artist, when you click on a artist name and the list of songs come up for that artist is it possible to show what album those songs are from, or maybe put an album art in a section with those songs, something like this.

nice interface... what is that from?
I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
Yeah I really like that interface too! What is that screenshot from?
Very good Audio Player for windows called Foobar2000, very customizable.
You can get it from here

and the forums are here

Here is some links with alot more skins.


this one with 200 pages of user made skins
Is there anyway to sort the MP3's by track number instead of by name?
Im guessing you lost interest in this because no one made any comments, are u still working on this?
This is crazy!

I'm guessing this is going to be the new official webserver interface for XBMC. It's certainly worthy of it!

Fantastic work! The albumart feature had me drooling!
does this ajax browser also support other media like the previous versions did .. (movies. pictures, etc) or is it just for music now?

also i've been wanting this feature for a while, can you add a way to list the media by date?

i will give newer beta a try as soon as i get home (away on buisness for a week)

keep up the great work
Any updates on expanding the functionality?
I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
Looks nice, *downloads*
I'll post feedback soon.
paperclipmonkey Wrote:Looks nice, *downloads*

I do not understand?
I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
I wasn't sure where to post this, so I will put it here in my thread. Work is progressing nicely towards a new version of the web gui. This time around it will have music, movies, video, weather, along with a few other tricks, some which you have seen in my previous interfaces (like searching) and some new ones.

One of the nicest features of XBMC compared to other media players is it's ability to generate icons for content. i want to be able to display all of these icons in my web interface. Folder icons, xbe icons, albumart, etc. I've got the currentlyplaying coverart working nicely by finding out the location of the .tbn file then copying it to q:\web\ with a .jpg extension. Now I want to be able to do the same thing with the icon from any type of file, unfortunately I can't seem to fond the functions needed to get the icon for an arbitrary file (especially if that icon has not been put into the cache yet)

getCacheThumbName(...) the existing python function to get the thumbnail for an item just converts the filename to a crc, it does not actually get the thumb or cache it. There is also a getthumbnail call in the httpapi but I have not had much luck with that either.

The only place i've been able to get this to work so far is on the music library. The album art location stored in the music sqlite database is correct, and I am able to use it to display a collage of album covers.


Request for function:

Icon Cacher

I would like to modify the functionality of getCacheThumbName or create a new function which will:

-take the input of a filename and if necessary (music, video, program, picture?)

-figure out the thumbnail location the same way it would in a skin
(embeded into file, as folder.jpg, already in cache, etc)

-cache thumbnail into appropriate thumbnail cache folder as .tbn
q:\userdata\thumbnails\*\*.tbn (wiki)

-return the full path to the .tbn file
q:\userdata\thumbnails\music\a\a12345f.tbn (wiki)

this function should be callable from python

I believe the functions that will be required to do this can be found in FileItem.cpp
This is where the actual thumbnail search/creation/cache of the icon appear to get done.

Thanks! I will post an update and some screenshots when it gets closer to release time.
LiquidIce629 Wrote:I wasn't sure where to post this, so I will put it here in my thread.
You are probebely better of posting those as seperate new feature-suggestions topic-threads in the Feature Suggestions Forum, and also seperate RFE on our sourceforge.net feature request tracker. I think otherwise they will not get the attention of the devs.
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Not until today that there is an AJAX version of the web-interface of XBMC! How dumb of me...Eek

Anyway...great work so far. Are there any new developments regarding this great product? I will install this stuff tonight after work, but looks promising. I'm a succer though for beautiful interfaces like the PMIII interface. Any developments in that area?

Keep up the great work!
Are you going to be releasing an update soon?
I'm not an expert but I play one at work.
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XBMC AJAX Interface (BETA)0