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[REQUEST] BBC iPlayer (Video) Plugin or Script?
For anyone that has just unsubscribed from the bbc backstage list and people that were never on it:


Basically the iplayer team released a version for Iphones, streaming in....Guess what....MP4!!!
Direct download link, no rtmp, no flash whatsoever!

Is it possible to spoof user agent string in python on XBMC?

I think this also removes all that amazingly unsightly xml jazz we had to do before.

Anyone interested in taking this up again?
Ok, so this is working.
user agent for iphones is:
Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/XX (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/ZZ Mobile/WW Safari/YY

I used user agent switcher in firefox to pull it off.
The iplayer page uses 2 layers of "security"
First they will only give you the mp4 link if you seem to come from an iphone / ipod touch. Secondly, they will only let you download it if your user string is also an iphone / ipod touch.
I've tried the mp4 that I downloaded in firefox in xbmc and it works fine.

From what I can tell it is possible for Curl to spoof user agents, but is that possible in xbmc?

The iphone stream looks like this:
<object width="512" height="288" type="video/mp4">
<param value="http://www.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/3/auth/iplayer_streaming_http_mp4/b006c7t3" name="href"/>
<param value="http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/images/episode/b0074fvk_512_288.jpg" name="src"/>
<param value="myself" name="target"/>
@paperclip: you´re from the UK, aren´t you? I tried to bypass bbc.co.uk/iplayer and to fake a UK IP, but sadly it doesn´t work.

Anyway, good luck to you.
Yeah I am from the UK.
Shame you can't help without living in the uk.

I'll see how far I can get with this and try to provide information to other people, but I'm not a developer by any stretch of the word.
If I copy the object param name value into firefox, even without agent spoofing enabled it seems to work, but I can't just copy the URL into xbmc or VLC and get it to play.

The BBC seem to still be into tokens and annoying things like that, but not as badly anymore.
Anyone (strawp maybe?) wanting to work on this?
im from UK do you have an example url i dont have iplayer installed or firefox
C-Quel: You don´t need any programme. Just go to bbc.co.uk/iplayer

@paperclip: I managed to get access to the site via a proxy. But how can I get the MP4-stream link out of Firebug? I don´t see any streaming link.
hew97 Wrote:C-Quel: You don´t need any programme. Just go to bbc.co.uk/iplayer

@paperclip: I managed to get access to the site via a proxy. But how can I get the MP4-stream link out of Firebug? I don´t see any streaming link.

NO FireFox Smile
What? I´m using FF as well. No problem.
hew97 Wrote:What? I´m using FF as well. No problem.

Read what i typed!


@paperclip: Okay, I just tried to download the mp4 file... what download speed did you get? Mine was below 10kbs...
You need to use a firefox plugin called user agent switcher, then add an iphone agent string to it. after it's installed it will be in the tools>user agent switcher menu.
Once that's installed go back to iplayer, go to a programme page, then open firebug and search for "mp4". You'll find the link.
You could copy the one from the code I added earlier, or this link.
hew97 Wrote:@paperclip: Okay, I just tried to download the mp4 file... what download speed did you get? Mine was below 10kbs...

i got above 300kbps.
Torrents going in the background maybe?
C-Quel Wrote:im from UK do you have an example url i dont have iplayer installed or firefox

You can change your user agent string in IE aswell.

But it's just more convoluted.
And firebug isn't neseccary, just usefull. View the page source and search for "mp4"

Hope that helps.
Ok, well someone has written some lovely script jazz to get this working.
So how to get something like this into xbmc now?
I also advise anyone interested to join the BBC backstage Iplayer List.
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[REQUEST] BBC iPlayer (Video) Plugin or Script?7