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[CLOSED] Aeon [ALPHA]: Bug report thread
jmarshall Wrote:elan: For folders at least it's fixed in SVN - you need 14499/500.

Jonathan, thanks very much, I just cherry-picked those two.


Also, single background images work fine in PM3, so it's either a skin problem or something deeper. Will await Jezz_X's arrival and see if he can reproduce with any of his skins so we can find out the cause of it.
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DJH I'm not sure how long this has been present but in current build (14) when you go to movie information or tv show information the "Trailer" button is always present. This is a problem, at least on plex, because if you push it when there is no actual trailer available, the program will crash. Pm3's Trailer button is conditional on the other hand and doesn't show unless available.

Good work as always... I believe you tweaked those home buttons just a tad this time? they look nice.
Competes2win Wrote:Pm3's Trailer button is conditional on the other hand and doesn't show unless available.

Good spot. I'll attend to that.
When I go into tv-shows and in Episode view, the thumb of an episode disappears when selecting it. The mirror effect is present though.

using the new plex version
sandman4sure Wrote:When I go into tv-shows and in Episode view, the thumb of an episode disappears when selecting it. The mirror effect is present though.

using the new plex version

It's the same for me.
Also using Plex. But others seem to have this problems also with windows- and Xbox-versions, according to erlier posts.
This must be a bug?
two small things:
1. The "core" is really hard to navigate out of, I've found that you can only go back if you navigate back to the filemanager and have the focus in the file manager itself (rather than the buttons on the bottom)
2. I know this whole area is pretty much place holder you said, but in the Aeon info, again in the core menu's, my aeon version is still registering as Aeon 13 although I'm running 14... perhaps the skin.xml wasn't updated?

those are barely any issue at all, but just somethings I've noticed... keep up the good work.
When adding sources the 'Enter paths...' window stays on top of the 'Browse for new share' window.
Cheers for the heads-up.
sandman4sure Wrote:When I go into tv-shows and in Episode view, the thumb of an episode disappears when selecting it. The mirror effect is present though.

using the new plex version

The same on my xbox too - it's driving my daughter nuts!

It looks like after adding multiple Icon sets you forgot to add

To "Poster" view. Currently the posters stay after the info zooms in.

In mypics.xml

you should replace
<control type="multiimage">
        <visible>Skin.HasSetting(ComicPics) + !Skin.HasSetting(CustomComicFolder)</visible>

<control type="multiimage">
        <visible>Skin.HasSetting(picturecomics) + !Skin.HasSetting(CustomComicFolder)</visible>

The "s" is missing in <info>Skin.String(CustomComicsFolder)</info> so there were no custom backgrounds for comics. also it should be Skin.HasSetting(picturecomics) for this control and the one above it. I will explain below.

In homescrollers.xml you currently have

<item id="5">
            <item id="14">

There are a few inconsistencies in there that are messing up pictures/comics. For example you have <onclick>Skin.Reset(programpics)</onclick> where it should be picturepics and the same happens with comics. Also the MyPictures,$INFO[Skin.String(comicpath)]) needs an "s" so it should be comicspath. The section should look something like this so that it matches the information that mypics.xml is looking for.

<item id="5">
            <item id="14">

I have a few other minor glitches that I have stumbled across. I just have to remember where they are. Cheers.
neal73 Wrote:The same on my xbox too - it's driving my daughter nuts!

for everyone having this problem, maybe you should try to restart all of the AEON settings? I don't have any of these issues. I am running plex.
I've changed nothing, but strangely it's working fine now!

One problem I have noticed though - running on the xbox the search function in music seems a bit.....bollocksed. I enter an artist to search for and it just goes back to the main music screen. Not sure if this is Aeon, xbox or xbmc related but thought I'd give the heads up.
@rand Al Thor

Cheers for the info, though much of what you've picked up on isn't on the fix list as both Comics and the Poster info panel are being removed. I'm keen to trim any "novelty" features that don't really fit; both of those are candidates. That might explain why I've been neglecting them the last few releases.
Competes2win Wrote:for everyone having this problem, maybe you should try to restart all of the AEON settings? I don't have any of these issues. I am running plex.

I can confirm this fix just worked on my xbox. Had to switch to PMIII, restart the xbox, then reselect AEON, get the black 'keep or reset settings' screen. Hit 'select' to reset everything then voila, my episode view is all fixed.
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[CLOSED] Aeon [ALPHA]: Bug report thread0