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[LINUX] My Asrock 330 ION Tweaks, Tips, Tricks, and Fixes!

I need a bit of a helpSad
I've got Karmic on my asrock, and lirc was working fine from the beginning, but two days ago I installed some ubuntu automatic updates. Since then, it's not working, irw won't show anything.

(tried to reinstall driver)
how could I find out where is the problem?

thanks for the help in advance!
Hi. I believe I can add some more detail to the error reports about LIRC stop working when updating.

The error seems to be that module wb677 cannot be loaded.

I used kernel 2.6.31-14 and everything worked. Then I updated with 2.6.31-17 and it stopped working. I went to boot menu and chose 2.6.31-14 and again, LIRC worked.

It seems that wb677 works with 2.6.31-14 and not 2.6.31-17. Using the minimal image, I can get VDPAU to work, using the ubuntu CD image I cannot. Problem is, using the minimal image delivers 2.6.31-17. Is there any way to use the minimal image and still get kernel version 2.6.31-14?
CyberRascal Wrote:Hi. I believe I can add some more detail to the error reports about LIRC stop working when updating.

The error seems to be that module wb677 cannot be loaded.

I used kernel 2.6.31-14 and everything worked. Then I updated with 2.6.31-17 and it stopped working. I went to boot menu and chose 2.6.31-14 and again, LIRC worked.

It seems that wb677 works with 2.6.31-14 and not 2.6.31-17. Using the minimal image, I can get VDPAU to work, using the ubuntu CD image I cannot. Problem is, using the Ubuntu CD image delivers version 2.6.31-14. Is there any way to use the minimal image and still get kernel version 2.6.31-14?

wow, thanks for the info. I'll rebuild my system tonightSmile
The lirc modules still work for me, but they need some work after the new kernel is installed:

1. Install the 2 debs (binary module and src) from the asrock site
2. sudo apt-get install lirc-modules-source

...depending on the installed version you might need to change the following commands a little:

3. sudo dkms add -m lirc-nct677x-src -v 1.0.2-ubuntu9.10
4. sudo dkms build -m lirc-nct677x-src -v 1.0.2-ubuntu9.10
5. sudo dkms install -m lirc-nct677x-src -v 1.0.2-ubuntu9.10

6. restart lirc (and perhaps xbmc)

As for slowing down the remote, just edit the file /usr/share/lirc/remotes/lirc_wb677/lircd.conf.wb677 and change the "gap" variables (2 or 3 I believe), 150000 works well for me.
Great info Monty! Thanks.

I would like to add my experience to this page.. Do NOT use 64 bit! Maybe I'm the only one that did not understand this, but I had problems with both VDPAU support and remote control while using 64 bit linux. As soon as I switched to 32 bit everything worked.
Yes if you install a new kernel you have to reeinstall the lirc drivers again or actually patch them which is what We are really doing.

So it makes sense just to do the same what you din for previus kernel no need to install or use all the files asrock provides.

its also my understanding by other ppls reports and my own experience that asrocks 1.0.2 ae buggy e.g. 1 keypress hets repeated 3 or 4 times in rapid succession.
After installing lirc-nct677x-1.0.1-ubuntu9.10.deb and even trying Monty's steps, lirc seems to start fine, but i keep getting the following errors in my log
xbmc@xbmc:~$ dmesg | grep lirc
[ 8.112975] lirc_dev: IR Remote Control driver registered, major 61
[ 8.395097] lirc_wb677: disagrees about version of symbol module_layout

anyone know what's wrong here?
I havent looked at my log now Im playing with lucid and xbmc but bind question do you have any problems with the driver besides that on log? doesnt seem an issue to me if its not working I suspect you may not have had a working lirc to begin with.
X3lectric Wrote:I havent looked at my log now Im playing with lucid and xbmc but bind question do you have any problems with the driver besides that on log? doesnt seem an issue to me if its not working I suspect you may not have had a working lirc to begin with.

My lirc was working when i used my USB receiver, but i removed that one and installed the HT drivers for the internal receiver. After install everyting seems normal, but irw doesnt show anything and log is what i posted above
Hello people!

Because in my country i would have had to wait more then two weeks for the Asrock ION 330 HT, i went ahead and bought the PRO version (no wifi / no IR).
First thing i did was disassemble the little computer, exchanged the LG Tray DVD-RW with a slot loading Sony-Optiarc DVD-RW, and had a good look at the motherboard.

The motherboard is THE SAME as the HT version. It has the mini Pci-e connector (empty of course) witch is good because I also ordered a Broadcom Crystal HD Decoder (still to come) to benchmark vdpau against it.
It also has the IR HEADER (3 pins) and that gave me a reason to get this baby a remote (natively, not by a usb ir)
So i did some 5 minutes measures and got that the pinout configuration (when facing the DVD, from left to right) is :
1- Vcc ( + 5V)
2- GND
3- IR Data
I went ahead and dismembered an old Sharp VCR and got it's IR Receiver on hand, looked it up on google, and got it's PDF.
My IR receiver is a Sharp GP1U581X that has an Amp, Demodulator ( 38 Khz) and integrator and comparator. It also should work with TSOP 1738. I cut a bit of the metal inside the case to fit the receiver and connected it to the motherboard.
After this I downloaded the Asrock ION 330 HT Bios version and flashed it. The bios happily showed me the CIR Enabled / CIR Power On options. Smile

So far so good .. but this is not a happy ending story.
I went ahead and installed the lirc-nct677x-x64-1.0.1-ubuntu9.10.deb driver, then i programmed my harmony remote to act as ION 330 HT remote. Struggled a bit with lirc config files to get the daemon to use the /dev/lirc0 device.

Results? It works.. kinda. I have to hold a button for irw to see it pressed. If i only press a button once it does not register anything. irrecord fails on the second phase with something like " RC6 remotes have toggle bits but i didn't receive one" or something like that.

I can't seem to find the 1.0.2 version of the IR driver (on the asrock site it's the 1.0.1), the one that on some people made lirc register more then one command on a single press, i would surely want to try that one given my somehow opposite problem with 1.0.1.

Cheers mates!
fr0sty Wrote:After installing lirc-nct677x-1.0.1-ubuntu9.10.deb and even trying Monty's steps, lirc seems to start fine, but i keep getting the following errors in my log
xbmc@xbmc:~$ dmesg | grep lirc
[ 8.112975] lirc_dev: IR Remote Control driver registered, major 61
[ 8.395097] lirc_wb677: disagrees about version of symbol module_layout

anyone know what's wrong here?

Can you try to rerun all the dkms commands for building and installing and see if there are any errors?
Also make sure that you have the correct kernel headers installed.
please install the drivers HT lirc drivers using dpkg -i filename.deb

Version 1.0.2 was removed since it contained erm a few issues that I reported to Asrock which could make the HW go poof.

the log presented er those two lines dont give much to go on theress no xbmc logs no dmesg logs nothing. Even if I take your word for it and ok you say Lirc was working can I ask why was it that the conclusion was to use dkms instead of what both the manufacturer and most other users that have it working using dpkg was?

I think in that answer lies the problem.

I would again kindly request to all users that Have a Asrock 330 whatever family it is to get the drivers for the chip which can be found on my signature, you guys don't have to provide serial number for systems while submitting that request.

These drivers will enable Moi and others to make good use of all the internal fan control voltage regulation system overclocking and god knows what else. And yes the normal 330 has that chip as well.

That's all I ask in return for my work and posts on how to get this monster going, no donations like everyone wants i rather have more user support to get asrock to push for full Linux support.
so, again, and i selfquote:

Quote:I can't seem to find the 1.0.2 version of the IR driver (on the asrock site it's the 1.0.1), the one that on some people made lirc register more then one command on a single press, i would surely want to try that one given my somehow opposite problem with 1.0.1.

Does anybody have the 1.0.2 version ?

I am in the process of decreasing the boot time, so I would like to compile the kernel with only features that are required. Is there anybody who has a .config optimised for an ASRock ION 330?

XBMC on my Minimual Ubuntu 9.10 (http://peter.wurmsdobler.org/bricols/xbmc.html) takes about 36 seconds to come up, but I would think that I can get rid of a few services, e.g. I wonder whether I need AppArmour or DKMS? And what about setting up console fonts?

Any ideas?
I wouldn't worry about the kernel so much as the services loaded. I would trim those first. You certainly don't need apparmor, nor does it do any significant slowdown to the system though. DKMS is needed for the weird patch-in-a-can IR driver.
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[LINUX] My Asrock 330 ION Tweaks, Tips, Tricks, and Fixes!5