aeon what new features do you like us to add
aeon reborn will be out in 2 or 3 weeks and we would like to see what you would love to be in the new skin
the e new update to the old skin will ne in 2 weeks time and will have lots of bug fixes and will work on eden and frodo if will be at this link
That's a huge undertaking and I can't really see it being done in two weeks time. I wish you a lot of luck though. There have been a lot of changes / improvements in Frodo so I would target that and not worry about Eden.
the skin is all made but there is lots to tests the we need to do and when we have it tip top it will be up for you all to test
Good luck! Wink

Really curious... who's 'we'? Have you a skinning partner?

yes i do if you liquidskin76 if you would like to be part of the teem you can
@kipor, I don´t understand, firstly your previous thread was closed for moderation, in yours words "that will help me out but how do i do it all in aeon i am not that good at code i am still learning", i am very impressed how fast your learn how fix an complex skin, like Aeon, congratulations for your job.

PS: You github is empty.

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That is some achievemt in 5 days when it has taken Marcos numerous months with MQ4. I am itching to see what it is like!
(2012-09-16, 21:55)kipor Wrote: yes i do if you liquidskin76 if you would like to be part of the teem you can

LOL! Big Grin
yes but marcos remade all the code so we are fixing the old cod and adding thins to it to make it work it may be a week or 9 weeks it is up to how long me and my friend have time to do it a test build will be up but it will not work full on frodo but there will be no bugs on it we are working on making it work with frodo and when i can chat to my friend from spain we will let you know
OK, great! .....but why?

There are much better and polished skins out there now, I really cannot see the point. I understand that you would like to learn how to code but I really cannot see anyone adopting your work. You would be bettter off starting with something else as you were advied in your other thread. After all why do you think Marcos and others have as you say "remade all the code" They pretty much did what you are planning on doing!

Start with coding a view or something easier rather then tackling the whole skin.

Anyway, best of luck!!!
i am not coding the skin my friend is
What's your plan of action... are you just taking the Dharma version that was floating around and making it Frodo compatible, and using the same/original textures? Or is it a complete design refresh, like Nox and MQ?

no i am making it like the old aeon all the new ones are good but are to big and bulky we need to make a slim line aeon so that is why we are making it like the old one we do need sum help we would love you to help us out but if not we can do it all but when we do it what shod we add to the old skin like new views help us out and list what new things you would like in aeon reborn
Sorry, this is really confusing me!

You say you are trying to make a "slim line aeon" as the others are 2 big and bulky. A couple of things;

1. Hardware is getting cheaper so people are less inclined to run on anything that cannot handle the exisitng Aeon branches (with a few exceptions of course)
2. Asking people for what they would like to see in your slim line Aeon, what new views etc... is only going to bulk it out. People are only going to want views that compete with existing skins, otherwise what is the point right? So you are NOT going to end up with what you started out ot achieve.

Get it up and running/completely compatible with frodo as it is, then worry about adding new views etc... Remember though, frodo is still in Alpha so be prepared to make changes throughout your development.

Big Grin
ok i will make it work on frodo and me and my friends were talking and we think we should set up a team so we can get more work on the skin dun all the bugs in the Dharma aeon ave been resolved we may put that up in the github then start work on the frodo aeon to you think we should do that or make it work on frod then send it to the git hub

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aeon what new features do you like us to add 3