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Media Companion 3 beta's - Now with Music Video support
(2014-10-11, 03:47)sparkster666 Wrote: Is it possible for this program to scrape ,wtv files?

If your asking if Media Companion can create westernDigital Tv compatible nfo's, then no.
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
Windows media center recordings. That is the format that a lot of my library is in. Thanks anyway I found another option.
Hi Vbat
i just started doing my movies with latest realease and have noticed a coupple of things.
1. Dont overwrite existing artwork gets ignored when using fanart.tv on scrape, I get poster from fanart.tv (if fanart.tv is empty then no new posters are scraped)
2. Wallviev uses folder instead of poster if it is there
3. Folder.jpg dosent get updated when choosing new poster which leads to some confusion regarding 2.(it dosent list your actual poster)
4. When adding database that has complete info, instead of reading it sometimes it scrapes it as no nfo is present cant figure out why!?

Regarding folder.jpg if folder.jpg is not present and you use batch resprape wizzard *Attempt to locate and download posters for movies that are missing poster* it will copy poster to folder.jpg but not if folder.jpg is present. perhaps this option could be used to always copy poster as folder ?

Well this concludes my little report
hope you will find it helpfull

1. Fix in place for Don't overwrite Existing artwork

2. Wallview, your main poster.jpg and folder.jpg should be the same image.Depending on your selected artwork.
I suppose if you have Save as 'poster.jpg' not as '<moviename>-poster.jpg' selected, then if you save artwork from Fanart.Tv, the
and folder.jpg will be different.
Image priority is
If Frodo artwork, <moviename>-poster.jpg, poster.jpg, <moviename>.tbn
If Eden artwork, <moviename>.tbn, poster.jpg.
folder.jpg is a clone of either <moviename>-poster.jpg, or <moviename>.tbn
I suppose if Save as 'poster.jpg' not as '<moviename>-poster.jpg' is selected, then folder.jpg should be clone of poster.jpg.

3. As above, folder.jpg will get updated from Poster Tab, but not from Fanart.Tv tab. Will see about my last suggestion, one line above.

4. Not sure what your saying here?

Quote:Regarding folder.jpg if folder.jpg is not present and you use batch resprape wizzard *Attempt to locate and download posters for movies that are missing poster* it will copy poster to folder.jpg but not if folder.jpg is present. perhaps this option could be used to always copy poster as folder ?
Um, yes? This is correct operation. If downloading missing posters is selected and folder.jpg (and option for folder.jpg is selected in Preferences) is missing, then we copy poster.jpg to folder.jpg.

But if folder.jpg is present, and Don't overwrite is selected, it won't be overwritten.
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
New Release.

Media Companion 3.605b

With a new export template, mc_com.exe has been enhanced to support your MC settings when used to export your Movie library. ie: IgnoreArticles, Sort order etc.

User's are now able to delete their Fanart.Tv artwork by right-clicking the Extra artworks heading, ie: right click clearart and option to delete is presented. Also, on the fanart.tv Tabs, you can right click the preview of existing artwork image, and delete this existing artwork.

New function for Tv, is the r-click option to Delete nfo and artwork. From this option, you have the choice to Delete the Show's nfo and artwork, Episode nfo and artwork, or all nfo's and artwork.

Oh, and there have been plenty of bug fixes.

Feedback would be appreciated.
Download Link for MC 3.605b

Revision History
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
Is there a way meanwhile to scrape movies correctly containing letters like ä, ü, ö, ß?

And how could I make MC show characters correctly like "&": http://i.imgur.com/yUuiRjF.png
Newest stable Kodi (portable), Win 10 | skin: default Confluence
(2014-10-16, 13:15)Dirki Wrote: Is there a way meanwhile to scrape movies correctly containing letters like ä, ü, ö, ß?

And how could I make MC show characters correctly like "&": http://i.imgur.com/yUuiRjF.png

I have to look into the characters some more, but not right now.

As for the &amp in the title. I suggest you rescrape the title, as this fix is in place, but only during scraping of the title.
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
Alright. Thank you for looking into the characters.

And so, just rescrape those movies containing that "&..." in its titles after the fixing.

Many thanks, vbat99
Newest stable Kodi (portable), Win 10 | skin: default Confluence
Yep, I did a test, and although it wasn't as clean, it did apply the fix.

By clean, I mean I selected Delete nfo & artwork and then let MC scrape the movie from new.
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
hey vbat
running latest release I have run in to a problem with mc_com.
I am running mc_com through the task schedular and it runs smoothly for the normal profile but with my danish profile it cant scrape it keeps saying imdb is unavalible or this movie could not be identidied. but i am using the xbmc scraper for the danish profile and it scrapes without problems in normal MC
Please open issue on Media Companion site, and attach both normal and Danish Profiles. Ie: Delete the poster cache folder, and zip up all files in your settings folder.
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
Hey, Rob. Great new features in the latest release. I seem to be having some problems on the TV side. I scrape a bunch of shows and when I go through trying to list missing episodes, a bunch of shows show no episodes at all. It's almost like it's not reading the nfo files. Probably not the best description of the problem. Sorry.

A request, if I may. Would it be possible to add the ability to select multiple items in TV?
(2014-10-16, 19:28)vbat99 Wrote: By clean, I mean I selected Delete nfo & artwork and then let MC scrape the movie from new.
OK, that means all of the nfo (the info files as well?) files and the jpgs, pngs, so all images will be deleted. Other files will not be deleted, e.g. .tbn, files containing the subs etc.
Newest stable Kodi (portable), Win 10 | skin: default Confluence
(2014-10-17, 19:54)Dirki Wrote:
(2014-10-16, 19:28)vbat99 Wrote: By clean, I mean I selected Delete nfo & artwork and then let MC scrape the movie from new.
OK, that means all of the nfo (the info files as well?) files and the jpgs, pngs, so all images will be deleted. Other files will not be deleted, e.g. .tbn, files containing the subs etc.

That function deletes the nfo and all artwork, just as it says, but leaves the video files, and subtitles. Basically, deletes the files MC scrapes. (including .tbn, .jpg, .png, extrafanart, extrathrumbs and actors). Nice way to start from fresh.
Media Companion Dev.
Media Companion - Kodi / XBMC - Media Companion
Yes, very good, a good way to start all over again, what I want to do in some time soon, I had considered to delete all of these files manually, but of course that way is much better. So - I hope I understand it right - this function (only) will delete all of the files, which (or similar ones) MC will download again when it rescrapes all of the movies again. There is no way that a file can be deleted that should not be deleted using this function.
Newest stable Kodi (portable), Win 10 | skin: default Confluence
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