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Mod Aeon MQ 9 Multi-Mod for Kodi 20 (Nexus)
Hmm...look at your settings.xml file. After a skin reset your webdl settings should look like this...
<setting id="media_case_videos_webdl_color" type="string">ffc55610</setting>
<setting id="media_case_videos_webdl_flag" type="string">webdl</setting>
(2024-04-01, 12:15)latts9923 Wrote: Hmm...look at your settings.xml file. After a skin reset your webdl settings should look like this...

Ok, that didn't happen after the reset, but I manually updated the values because they were blank and i can see the brown cases now. Thank you!
Kodi ver.19.1  Aeon MQ 8 Matrix Mod Windows 10 
For anyone interested, there is a Nexus compatible version of Artwork Beef available in my repo. I've tested the settings, and so far it works just like the Leia version.
UPDATE #28 - This will update the skin to v1.6.8

Image Additions
  • I added the colored border from View Type-28 to the poster in the default MQ 9 Video Info screen if the media case is disabled. Thanks to andrzejls for the request!
  • I added the "SHOW DIFFUSE FOR DISC ART" button under "SHOW DEFAULT VIDEO INFO" in the Top Menu. It is enabled by default.
  • I added the "SHOW DIFFUSE FOR DISC ART" button for the Music Info screen in the Top Menu. It is enabled by default.

Image Bug fixes
  • The studio logo for Sets was not displaying in the media flags.
  • The Sets info was displaying in View Type-28.
  • The video title was not displaying in View Type-28 if "CLEARART AND CLEARLOGO" was disabled.
Thanks Mate,

for the perfect implementation of my request. That's exactly what I wanted :-)
I do have one comment about this, however. If I deactivate "Show Cast", the empty frame is now partially displayed in the info dialog during playback where the cast was previously displayed.
According to my tests so far, this always happens when you open the info dialog for the second time during a film playback.
When you first open it, everything looks perfect. When you press the “i” key, the dialog disappears. If you now press "i" again, the expanded dialog appears - without the cast, but then with the empty frame.

Can you deactivate that too if "Show Cast" is deactivated? Then the dialogue will look exactly like it did before. And then I'm more than satisfied! Good job.
You're welcome! I just added code to remove the empty area where the cast displays as well. It will be part of the next update.
For anyone interested, I created a website where I will be uploading all the animated artwork (fanart, keyart, posters, etc.) that I have accumulated over the years. For now, I only have the four Alien movie pages created. I will continue to create more as I have time. This is a pretty basic website as I have very limited WordPress knowledge.
UPDATE #29 - This will update the skin to v1.6.9

Image Bug fixes
  • The country flag was not displaying in media flags unless you accessed the Video Info screen first.
UPDATE #30 - This will update the skin to v1.7.0

Image Bug fixes
  • The empty rating flag was displaying for Seasons in View Type-17 and was moving the premiered info to the right.
  • The upper left fanart window for View Type-28 was not displaying multiple fanart images for TV Shows if they were available. Thanks to andrzejls for reporting the bug!
  • The clearart/clearlogo has been removed for Seasons/Episodes in View Type-28. The image was displaying on top of the text.
  • The artwork buttons were missing for Music Videos under "ART" in the Top Menu. Thanks to _Mike_ for the reporting the bug!
UPDATE #31 - This will update the skin to v1.7.1

Image Bug fixes
  • Try number 2 for the upper left fanart window in View Type-28 for TV Shows. Thanks to andrzejls for reporting the bug!
  • The artwork buttons were not working for TV Shows. Thanks to andrzejls for reporting the bug!
UPDATE #32 - This will update the skin to v1.7.2

Image Additions
  • I added the four animated menu bars from MQ 8...they are numbered 13-16. There is also a new "CHANGE THE ANIMATED MENU BAR COLOUR" button for menu bar 15 & 16. Thanks to Groooompf for the request!

*This update will require another skin reset for new settings to be forced to settings.xml. To keep from losing your current settings, make sure you export your skin settings (SKIN SETTINGS ► RESTORE SETTINGS ► EXPORT SKIN SETTINGS) before you install the update. After installing the update you will need to reset the skin and then import the latest settings export.
Hello, I run this skin on a Zidoo 1000 Pro player.
The Kodi Version is a special adjusted version called "ZDMC".

If I press through my menus/submenus and press e.g. "Genre" then happens nothing for long time. No files are shown in first instance.
The screen of the skin looks like "frozen" for a while. If I press after a while "Esc" and press again on "Genre" then the files a shown...very slow...step by step.

I didn't had that in the past. Looks like the skin is too "heavy".
But this problem I didn't had with the previous verions of Aeon MQ9.
Indeed, I have a huge amount of media files. But had them also in the past.

Are there any settings in this skin, which could improve the performance of MQ9 or prevent the "error"...not showing up media files in first instance/after first selection?
This is more of an annoyance than a break/fix, but after every update or skin reset (not sure which one is reverting the setting); my video info window reverts to the default video info window instead of the mq8 extended info window, yet the settings in the top menu bar are still set to "Show Aeon MQ8 Video Info" and "Show Aeon MQ8 Extended info"...so each time I have to set the settings back to default and re-apply the Aeon MQ8 info screens.....is there any way to make it NOT to have to do that?
Kodi ver.19.1  Aeon MQ 8 Matrix Mod Windows 10 
(2024-04-29, 19:31)Shredder_guitar Wrote: This is more of an annoyance than a break/fix, but after every update or skin reset (not sure which one is reverting the setting); my video info window reverts to the default video info window instead of the mq8 extended info window, yet the settings in the top menu bar are still set to "Show Aeon MQ8 Video Info" and "Show Aeon MQ8 Extended info"...so each time I have to set the settings back to default and re-apply the Aeon MQ8 info screens.....is there any way to make it NOT to have to do that?
I can confirm this behavior. Not a biggie as it’s easy enough to correct but it is odd that it happens.
I'm not sure what recent updates would cause the skin to behave in the manner you're describing.

I reset the Video Info button back to MQ 9 on a skin reset by default because some users may not want the MQ 8 Video Info screen, but of course that doesn't help much for those that have MQ 8 selected during a reset. This also sets the "videoinfo" string in settings.xml on a fresh install.

I just created a new script that will run during a skin reset and will set the Video Info screen back to MQ 9 and alert you right after the skin reset is complete. Then you can go to your Top Menu and select the MQ 8 Video Info button to switch back. This will be included in the next update.
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Aeon MQ 9 Multi-Mod for Kodi 20 (Nexus)0