Help setting up remote XBMCLIVE 10.1
Hi been reading through the forums for a while now getting my acer revo all set up and running and most is done but really struggling to get my head around setting up my remote

I have a HP media centre remote this one but for the life of me i cant get it running

I'm a complete newbie when it comes to linux but am ok with most other things

Here is what i have done so far firstly installed xbmclive10.1 and tried everything i read up on to get it going then a friend suggested i try xbmcfreak so i gave that ago and joy it worked exactly how i wanted it to with out having to change any settings.

But the problem i had then was that there is a bug with this release and on the revo 3700 you cant get any sound so i set off reading everything to get that going but failed again Sad

So i ftp'd everything from my freak set up to my pc then reinstalled xbmclive10.1 and i've been trying to compare for any differences to do with lirc but everything is the same but i changed the files for the freak ones onto my current 10.1 set up but still no go

I have now been searching and found it could be to with mceusb files so searching for them i have found one in the following location


trouble is i dont have this folder on my current set up so i'm guessing something else needs to be installed

but haven't got a clue No

I'm sure and hoping it's me being really stupid and it's something that i've missed out on but just don't know what
Hi fanni

I have had quite a lot of problems with getting the remote to work with XBMC Live too. I always managed to get it to work, but every time a reinstall or install another package it's back to square one...

I used 2 methods to get my remote to work. BTW i have the white Philips Remote so i don't know if my advise helps you, but it may at least point you in a specific direction.

IMPORTANT! I'm a Ubuntu N00B and found these solutions by trial and error. Please be aware that i don't know if this will work or what will happen if they don't work. I only know that this worked for me.

Also, please note that English is not my native language.

The first thing i did, and what solved my problem (before i reinstalled!) is this:

Possible solution #1:
Quote:- Install "lirc-modules-source". Type:
"sudo apt-get install lirc-modules-source"
(without the quotes)

- Edit "blacklist.conf" (/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf). Type:

"sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf"

- Scroll to the bottom and add the following line:

blacklist mceusb

- Save the file (ctrl+O) and exit (ctrl+X).

- Update initrmafs. Type:

"sudo update-initramfs -u -k all"

- Reboot

- After reboot, reconfigure lirc. Type:

"sudo dpkg-reconfigure lirc"

- Here, i had to choose for "Windows Media Center Transceiver/Remote (All)" in the first screen, and "None" in the second. I guess you will have to choose some other remote from the list to get yours to work.

- Reboot

After a few updates and things like that it broke Rolleyes and i tried something else. This worked for me too!

Possible solution #2
Quote:- Browse to /sys/class/rc/ and look at how many "rc0"-like directories you see. Type:
For me, this location contains 2 directories; rc0 and rc1 and rc1 contains the
information for my remote. Remember whats the name of the dir with information
for your remote.

- Open file "rc.local". Type:

"sudo nano /etc/rc.local"

- This file contains most likely a line that looks like:

"echo none +lirc > /sys/class/rc/rc0/protocols”

This is to prevent the double-keypress problems many people complain about and i believe is installed automatically when you install XBMC Live. Notice that the path contains a reference to "rc0". Now MY remote info is located NOT in the dir rc0 BUT in the dir rc1. This is why that line didn't work for me. I added a second line similar to the first one but changed rc0 in rc1:

"echo none +lirc > /sys/class/rc/rc1/protocols"

- Save the file (ctrl+O) and exit (ctrl+X).

- Reboot
That's it!

Now i must add that while tickering with my XBMC Live setup i broke it AGAIN... Angry So i'm gonna try something else. But the above two solutions worked for me up 'till now. So i hope that it helps you find a solution or at least point you in the right direction.

Good luck!!
Thanks mate will give that a try tonight when I get in

Will post back the results hopefully it'll spring into life
ok just tried the top method everything was going well until the part where i have to reconfigure lirc

i selected window media remote as that is what it is and selected none then i get this error

Quote: * Stopping remote control daemon(s): LIRC [fail]
Rather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8)
utility, e.g. service udev reload

Since the script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an
Upstart job, you may also use the reload(8) utility, e.g. reload udev
* Loading LIRC modules [ OK ]
* Unable to load LIRC kernel modules. Verify your
* selected kernel modules in /etc/lirc/hardware.conf

So then set about trying the second method but i don't have a rc folder at that location but do have a rtc folder
Right think i've finally found my problem

My remote and receiver is a mceusb2 one but when i try to reconfigure lirc i dont have the option for mceusb2

can anyone help me sort that out?
See post #39 Smile
Nice one mate used this but had a feww setting up errors but then found this thread which is basically the same but a bit easier on the eye to sort out for a noob lol

anyway all up and running now

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Help setting up remote XBMCLIVE 10.10