AppleTV 2 w/ iOS 4.3 and (hopefully) latest nightly
I used Seas0nPass with the latest iOS, and installed the official XBMC (along with nitoTV, etc.) via terminal in OS X. I then ran this for the unofficial latest nightly but in checking the version I'm a bit perplexed in determining if it is the current nightly. I used the following for the nightly build install:

Quote:1. wget
2. dpkg -i latest_atv2.deb
3. rm latest_atv2.deb

Ran with no issues, however I'm seeing XBMC version 10.0-7, and cannot find another way in checking the date of the XBMC version (tried the suggested method via Apple TV 2 GUi and couldn't find the menu options).

I assume it's kosher, just want to make certain. I've been learning hard for the past five months on all of this, HB/encoding/XBMC and I have 95% of it down, just need to settle the last few issues.

Thanks for EVERYTHING guys, I've donated for all your efforts! Smile
XBMC main menu > highlight System > push right on the atv2 remote > System Info. Look for the "Compiled: " date.
jd2157 Wrote:XBMC main menu > highlight System > push right on the atv2 remote > System Info. Look for the "Compiled: " date.

Got it. Shows:

XBMC Pre-11.0 Git:20110515-8b3a9fc (Compiled May 15 20..)
Seems I'm using the May 15, 2011 build with Darwin 11.0.0 kernel

Thanks mate, appreciate your help Smile

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AppleTV 2 w/ iOS 4.3 and (hopefully) latest nightly0