Clear Arts
Where would I place Clear Art on ATV2? I'm running my files through a NAS via smb. I notice on xbmcstuff it says:

- It is stored in a folder "clearart" or "cleararts" in the "media" folder of your skin.
- The filename must reflect exactly the TV Show name.

I tried creating a folder on the Appliance/XBMCFrappliance/*skin name* folder but it didn't seem to do anything.

Thanks in advance - appreciate this is a very simple question no doubt with a very simple answer!
as far as I understand it, they need to go in the folder where the show is located.
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hrmm, ok I tried that and labelled it 'weeds.png' but it didn't take effect. I guess this should maybe go in a skin thread rather than ATV if that's the answer. I wasn't sure if it was different on ATV.
label it "clearart.png" and place in the TV show folder
hrmmm ... didn't seem to work. I'm using the Cirrus skin, should it make a difference?
It can differ depending on the skin.

some skins like "Transparency!" use the TV shows own folder to look for "clearart.png"

some older skins or skins that havent been updated, rely on a specific folder in the skin or userdata folder to store the cleararts for all shows. if this is the case with your skin, then the clearart needs naming EXACTLY the same as the TV show dispays its name in XBMC. (example - Family Guy.png)

You will need to check the the official thread for your skin and see if there are any instructions and/or make a post querying it. It may even be a bug.


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