File Sharing not working with Mac OS X Lion and Apple TV2

I have Mac OS X Lion and recently bought Apple TV 2. I have jailbroken my Apple TV2 and have installed XBMC through NitoTV. I have shared my Movies folder on my Mac and "checked" both AFP an SMB and clicked on my username too under AFP & SMB area.

After this when I opened my XBMC and clicked on Videos > Files the screen is blank. It's not showing anything even after waiting for 10 minutes.

Can someone please help if I am doing something wrong or is it just Lion operating system which is causing the problem.

P.S. I have got aTV Flash (black) and I have installed Media Player inbuilt into it. When I open that Media Player I am able to see all my files. Is it XBMC issue?

XBMC doesn't support AFP yet (it is planned) and the SMB client in XBMC isn't playing well with Apple's strict SMB 2.0 implementation in Lion. I'm guessing Media Player is using AFP, and isn't suffering from the SMB issues.

Check out the sticky thread Filesharing solutions from Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) for a number of alternatives.
Ned Scott Wrote:XBMC doesn't support AFP yet (it is planned) and the SMB client in XBMC isn't playing well with Apple's strict SMB 2.0 implementation in Lion. I'm guessing Media Player is using AFP, and isn't suffering from the SMB issues.

Check out the sticky thread Filesharing solutions from Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) for a number of alternatives.

Hello Ned Scott,

Thanks for the information. It really helped me a lot. MediaMaster Server is working great for streaming content in XBMC.

Can you tell me if I can connect external HDD behind Apple TV2 in the Micro-USB port??

Hey Ned Scott,

Thanks for your reply. MediaMaster Server is a great and extremely simple solution for streaming from Mac OS X Lion to XBMC in Apple TV2.


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File Sharing not working with Mac OS X Lion and Apple TV20