Newbie: XBMC for watching TV shows
I'm brand new to the forums and relatively new to XBMC, so I apologize if this has been asked and answered elsewhere.

We use XBMC for watching tv, which we download from torrents. I've seen addons for XBMC that will generate a list of upcoming shows based on the shows in your library, but the skins i've seen that addon on (sorry, can't remember the name) aren't very mouse-friendly.

Does anyone have a setup I can implement (skin, addons, etc) for doing all my tv watching and downloading in XBMC on a single PC?

Again, thanks in advance for the help!
Not an exact answer to your question but have you considered "Sickbeard" it automatically downloads your selected TV programs and adds them to your XBMC libary, all this is done without interaction apart from initial setup of the programs you wish to watch.

Only drawback to this is you have to pay for a Usenet account but they are reasonably priced, Hitnews even does a €4.75 unlimited plan and a free trail, or if you want more retension there is Astraweb @ $11 has a wonderfull tut on seting this up for linux but if windows is your thing it will still point you in the right direction.
Solar Powered Server Xubuntu 13.04 Sickbeard+Sabnzbd+Couchpotato+Headphones+mysql running @ 20 watts
Home Clients ATV2, Ouya, Xubuntu and Windows 8 all 13.2
Moblie Clients SGS5 SG Note II and SG Tab S all 13.2
Dark Knight RT-AC66U merlins build

The addon 'TV show next aired' might be the program you're looking for? I keep my downloads separate from XBMC so I don't use programs like Couch Potatoe or Sickbeard. I would note the the skin 'Transparency! does support the mouse quite well along with most of the addons.

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