Calling Scraper (such as TheTVDB) from a plugin script
Hello everybody,

I have extended an existing plugin to get streams from sites that I like. Unfortunately, contrary to my local collection, those titles are of course not indexed by a scraper.

So what would be awesome is, if I have a common title like "" I know the scraper could parse it to get the info. But I don't know how to get the scraper to scan it.

Now if someone would be willing to help me, this would be great. Of course, I do realize, that there will be a performance issue once I start doing this, since he would make such a lookup und every request I issue in my plugin.

So the second step would be to implement caching, i.e.: If the show with that title and that Season/Episode was already looked up, it should not update but take infos from local cache. Thus, only new shows get looked up.

Can anyone help me with step 1 (using the scraper in a plugin)? After this I will try to solve step 2 (local caching).

Thx for such a great software. I just love it!
Unfortunately addons can't use builtin scrapers. See the thread here,
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Thank you for your quick reply. Seems I have to acceppt this then.
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Calling Scraper (such as TheTVDB) from a plugin script0