[LINUX] Hide Ubuntu Title Bar

I'm running XBMC on a Ubuntu 11.04 system, and its working well. I'm new to Linux, but have been using XBMC for years and think its the best thing since sliced bread and All Blacks rugby...

I can hide the Unity bar on the right when XBMC is open but not the bar at the top.

Its a bit annoying to have it there. Can someone tell me a fix, eg for it to auto hide?

Do you use the desktop a lot?

If you don't, I'd be tempted to have the machine boot into an XBMC session rather than loading it from desktop.

In any case, I'm not sure why you still have the bar showing at the top. Are you definitely running it in fullscreen mode rather than windowed? (press '\' to toggle fullscreen).

I'm not a linux guru so hopefully someone else will drop by with some more comments.
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