Feature Suggestion: Proxy configuration file (pac)
Hi All,

so far XBMC only allows a fixed single proxy entry
in the network settings.
It could be interesting for some applications/addons
to have a more dynamic configuration possibility like
a configuration file.

This for example would allow to use an US based proxy
for US ip-addresses, UK based proxy for UK-sites, etc....

Otherwise each addon does have to solve this by itself.

Just an idea, how we could make it even easier.

Best regards,


PS: Since I am traveling a lot, this would really ease the situation
and allow a standard configuration independent in which country you are,
or what your company`s proxies are doing.
Once, in the XBOX-era, this was a feature. Nowadays, it has been removed. For it to come back, it is hard to become part of the network settings. But an Addon for it could be easy....
Hello Robotica,

I am brand new to XBMC, so I really can`t rate, which
is the easier to do.

How would an addon handle it?

Best regards,

As a workaround you might want to consider defining a specific proxy in xbmc pointing to a port on your own computer and use some other proxying SW installed locally to route traffic towards the appropiate proxy based on your location (SOCKS, ssh tunnels etc).

well, yes, that is a workaround. But the greater challenge
is to find a reliably working proxy for the UK and the US.

Since I was not able to find that, I had to change the settings
back and forth, which always means changing the proxy
settings and restarting the proxy.

A direct entry in XBMC would be much faster.

Even better would be to have a network of community proxies
in each country.

Best regards,


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Feature Suggestion: Proxy configuration file (pac)0