Unable to set up an SMB share on ATV 2
I've been using XBMC on my ATV 2 for months now and have never had any problems with it.

This morning I finally decided to set up my music collection on it but for some reason I'm no longer able to set up an SMB share, it's just not finding my Desktop PC where all my movies\music are stored.

I've checked on my PC (Win 7) that media sharing is allowed etc, etc I've not changed anything on my desktop to stop it from being seen.

So I decided to uninstall XBMC to see if that would help - nope same problem - I've just tried to re-add my movie library and I'm no longer able to do that.

Can someone please help - as I stated earlier nothing has changed on my desktop, so I can't understand what's happening

Thanks in advance
Weird, after about a million goes at finding it - its now working!

Don't know why but fingers crossed it stays working!
solar flares!

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Unable to set up an SMB share on ATV 20