[LIVE] Configure lirc for multiple remotes?
Hi all,

I have my Snapstream remote working with XBMC which is ideal since it is RF and I don't need line-of-sight.

However, I have the Antec Fusion Black case with the volume dial and VFD/LCD display and would like to make the volume dial functional.

I can get the Antec Veris RM200 stuff working (remote and volume dial) on they're own. But I haven't figured out how to get both Snapstream and Veris running at the same time.

It seems I need to chain lirc instances together so that one of them listens and the other connects to the listener.

Has anyone here done this?

When I run: ls -l /dev/lirc*

I see

/dev/lirc0 <--- typically it is the Snapstream receiver
/dev/lirc1 <-- typically it is the Veris/Soundgraph stuff

So I assume I need to hook it up so lirc0 receives the commands from lirc1.

In my lircd.conf I've added a remote section for the Veris stuff. But not sure if I need to modify anything in hardware.conf and it's unclear to me how to chain lirc1 up to lirc0 (my hardware.conf references REMOTE_DEVICE="/dev/lirc0"

Hope to hear from someone who has done something similar. Thanks!

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[LIVE] Configure lirc for multiple remotes?0