TV Guide Link aggregator for cable channels

I am looking for an add-on that will display like a TV guide, but not for shows that are upcoming, but for shows that have already played in the past week or two. The guide would then allow the user to click on a show to get info on it. If a link is available to that show for example from, then they could start to watch the streaming content.
This is not an add-on to scrape local content, but to scrape NBC,ABC,CBS and list the content in a TV-Guide format.

There are many add-ons that have elements of this but do not do this. TV-rage,, TV-show-next aired, TV-guide...They all either show links to local content or only allow you to view information on a show and not link to any streaming content.

It would be great if someone could make this, and maybe with the help of add-ons that are already available like Free Cable and Canada on Demand. I can make a mock-up of what I mean if anyone wants more details.

This lets the user to get that feeling like they are channel surfing when looking for previously aired content.
It also encourages users to discover new shows. The typical format now in XBMC (and other software like it) is only good if a user knows what they want to watch. It is not designed for users to discover new shows. I discover new shows by just channel surfing on my tv, or sometimes I enjoy a new show because it comes on right after one that I just finished watching.
With this add-on, users could select a show to stream that played at 8pm on NBC the day before, and once it was finished they could set an option to play the next available shows on that channel, at 9pm, 10pm... for example.

Sorry for the long post, just wanted to be clear. Let me know if this is possible and post if you think this is a good or bad idea.
I guess no interest.
I dig this since i'm considering cancelling my cable in favor of XBMC+Icefilms+HDHomerun
look for tv guide in plugins / program addons
Image Lunatixz - Kodi / Beta repository
Image PseudoTV - Forum | Website | Youtube | Help?
Looks like TV Guide can do it, but unfortunately I can't figure it out yet. It seems for North America I need XMLTV data that is not free. Is this the case?
Ok I can generate an XMLTV.xml file using mc2xml in microsoft legacy format. I initially made a large one and took forever then crashed the plugin. So I made a smaller one with only a few hours of data and it still crashes. I submitted the crash log when prompted in the plugin. Maybe they'll see what is wrong. For now I need to take a break.
But even if I get this working, I still don't see with this schedule how I can link to streams of the shows found on sites like and
commando_j Wrote:Ok I can generate an XMLTV.xml file using mc2xml in microsoft legacy format. I initially made a large one and took forever then crashed the plugin. So I made a smaller one with only a few hours of data and it still crashes. I submitted the crash log when prompted in the plugin. Maybe they'll see what is wrong. For now I need to take a break.
But even if I get this working, I still don't see with this schedule how I can link to streams of the shows found on sites like and

search forum for rtmpdump...
learn how to find url stream of content, then create a xbmc strm file...
Image Lunatixz - Kodi / Beta repository
Image PseudoTV - Forum | Website | Youtube | Help?
I think you can do the same think right here:

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TV Guide Link aggregator for cable channels0