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Release PlayIt service : Play hosted video url remotely on XBMC
It seems the chrome extension isn't working anymore. When I test it with Firefox the addon works perfectly.

Forget my Post: #353 because I couldn't even install playit then and xbmc said it was incompatible but now after readding super repo and updated all other plugins I could reinstall the playit service.
Same here. Works fine with the firefox addon but broken on chrome and android.
Here doesn't work sending from chrome, but it works sending from android.
i haven't tested firefox
Yeah I'm now at same point, tested from android app and it's ok. The problem must be in chrome extension.
Ok. Thanks for feedback, I will check Chrome extension and will update:
I have registered on this forum just so I could write this post.
Excellent add-on!
Something that should go with xbmc natively.
Hopefully we'll see some more video hosting website support, there are some which still don't work.
Is there a way of changing the location of the button in firefox?
It seems to me it's kinda stuck where it is right now.

Thank you for this wonderful add-on! Smile
Digital Clock Screensaver with a lot of options - check it out!
Android app seems to send different url to xbmc that playit don't understand.

01:24:21 10853.758789 T:2780550224  NOTICE: .
01:26:23 10975.753906 T:2780550224   ERROR: ERROR:root:video_url = March 2014 | Q-dance Presents Hardcore Top 40: http://youtu.be/N89oYlXZua8
01:26:23 10975.754883 T:2780550224  NOTICE: .
01:27:17 11030.049805 T:2780550224  NOTICE: urlresolver: Initializing URLResolver version: 2.3.0
01:27:27 11039.905273 T:3058536448  NOTICE: COMXPlayer: Opening: http://r8---sn-uxap5nvoxg5-ixhl.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?ratebypass=yes&fexp=904833%2C914084%2C919120%2C930008%2C934026%2C939937%2C945301&sver=3&signature=0C101232410B395D00C663095E150D27B66F32FF.E9E22131C5919DC4D0D3253BC18B436E670C8A4E&mv=m&mt=1402612021&key=yt5&expire=1402635465&id=o-ANplkbv68-mjE42pfIj_suBOJpkStmb2a3Q5C0dkNaFl&sparams=hightc%2Cid%2Cip%2Cipbits%2Citag%2Cratebypass%2Csource%2Cupn%2Cexpire&ipbits=0&itag=22&mws=yes&hightc=yes&ms=auh&ip=|Referer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DN89oYlXZua8|User-Agent=Mozilla%2F5.0+%28Macintosh%3B+Intel+Mac+OS+X+10_7_1%29+AppleWebKit%2F534.48.3+%28KHTML%2C+like+Gecko%29+Version%2F5.1+Safari%2F534.48.3%26Accept%3Dtext%252Fhtml%252Capplication%252Fxhtml%252Bxml%252Capplication%252Fxml%253Bq%253D0.9%252C%252A%252F%252A%253Bq%253D0.8%26Accept_Encoding%3Dgzip%252C%2Bdeflate
01:27:27 11039.905273 T:3058536448 WARNING: CDVDMessageQueue(player)::Put MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
Has this addon been updated for Gotham yet? Can't get it to install from the repo. It just keeps saying downloading and eventually times out.
I have it running on Gotham just fine with firefox on an openelec install. Chrome plugin still seems broken.

fantastic addon though.
Thanks for the response. I had to manually delete an old version from the addon directory which wasn't showing up in XBMC for some reason. Redownloaded and now it's working like a charm.
good to hear but just to clarify. that's not with Chrome right?
First time trying this addon... Working great except for Facebook. I get a message on my PC saying, "Video url not currently supported by PlayIt"
Hi Ajay...have you been able to zero-in on what might be wrong with the chrome extension? I am at present doubting everything be it my antivirus or adblocker to check if those might be the root of this problem.
Some acknowledgement from your end will help.
I have installed this add-on, but I don't get the message “PlayIt service started” after reboot, and if I send videos either from Chrome or my Android device, nothing happens. Nothing appear in the logs, so I guess XBMC does not even receive the stream? The IP and the port are correct.
Working nicely from Android, but still broken on Chrome!

I don´t see the "service started" either, but from android it seems to be running just fine.

Thanks for the effort!
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PlayIt service : Play hosted video url remotely on XBMC11