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[SUPPORT] Hulu Video Plugin
Here is the stream_hulu.py code with all changes incorporated so far:

import xbmc
import xbmcgui
import xbmcplugin
import common
import ads
import subtitles
import sys
import binascii
import base64
import os
import hmac
import operator
import time
import urllib
import re
import md5
from array import array
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulStoneSoup
    from xml.etree import ElementTree
    from elementtree import ElementTree
smildeckeys = [ common.xmldeckeys[9] ]
class Main:
    def __init__( self ):
        if 'http://' in common.args.url:
        admodule = ads.Main()
        common.playlist = xbmc.PlayList(xbmc.PLAYLIST_VIDEO)
        if common.args.mode.endswith('TV_play'):
            if os.path.isfile(common.ADCACHE):
            self.GUID = common.makeGUID()
            if common.args.mode.startswith('Captions'):
                common.settings['segmentvideos'] = 'false'
            elif common.args.mode.startswith('NoCaptions'):
                common.settings['segmentvideos'] = 'false'
            elif common.args.mode.startswith('Select'):
                common.settings['segmentvideos'] = 'false'
            if ((common.settings['segmentvideos'] == 'true') or
                (common.settings['networkpreroll'] == 'true') or
                (common.settings['prerollads'] > 0) or
                (common.settings['trailads'] > 0)):
            # POST VIEW
            if common.settings['enable_login']=='true' and common.settings['usertoken']:
            if not self.NoResolve:
                if (common.settings['networkpreroll'] == 'true'):
                addcount = admodule.PreRoll(video_id,self.GUID,self.queue)
                if addcount > 0:
                addcount = 0
            if common.settings['segmentvideos'] == 'true':
                segments = self.playSegment(video_id)
                if segments:
                    adbreaks = common.settings['adbreaks']
                    for i in range(1,len(segments)+1):
                        addcount += adbreaks
            if common.settings['queueremove']=='true' and common.settings['enable_login']=='true' and common.settings['usertoken']:
            if httpplay:
        elif common.args.mode == 'SEGMENT_play':
            self.GUID = common.args.guid
        elif common.args.mode == 'AD_play':
            self.GUID = common.args.guid
            pod = int(common.args.pod)
        elif common.args.mode == 'SUBTITLE_play':
    def getIDS4HTTP(self, url):
        common.args.videoid = url.split('watch/')[1].split('/')[0]
        content_id = re.compile('so.addVariable\("content_id", (.*?)\);').findall(pagedata)[0].strip()
        common.args.eid = self.cid2eid(content_id)
        return content_id
    def cid2eid(self, content_id):
        m = md5.new()
        m.update(str(content_id) + "MAZxpK3WwazfARjIpSXKQ9cmg9nPe5wIOOfKuBIfz7bNdat6gQKHj69ZWNWNVB1")
        value = m.digest()
        return base64.encodestring(value).replace("+", "-").replace("/", "_").replace("=", "").replace('\n','')
    def getSMIL(self, video_id,retry=0):
        epoch = int(time.mktime(time.gmtime()))
        parameters = {'video_id'  : video_id,
                      'v'         : '888324234',
                      'ts'        : str(epoch),
                      'np'        : '1',
                      'vp'        : '1',
                      'enable_fa' : '1',
                      'device_id' : self.GUID,
                      'pp'        : 'Desktop',
                      'dp_id'     : 'Hulu',
                      'region'    : 'US',
                      'ep'        : '1',
                      'language'  : 'en'
        if retry > 0:
        if common.settings['enable_login']=='true' and common.settings['enable_plus']=='true' and common.settings['usertoken']:
            parameters['token'] = common.settings['usertoken']
        smilURL = False
        for item1, item2 in parameters.iteritems():
            if not smilURL:
                smilURL = 'http://s.hulu.com/select?'+item1+'='+item2
                smilURL += '&'+item1+'='+item2
        smilURL += '&bcs='+self.content_sig(parameters)
        print 'HULU --> SMILURL: ' + smilURL
        if common.settings['proxy_enable'] == 'true':
        if smilXML:
            print "GOT SMIL"
            if smilXML:
                smilSoup=BeautifulStoneSoup(smilXML, convertEntities=BeautifulStoneSoup.HTML_ENTITIES)
                print smilSoup.prettify()
                return smilSoup
                return False
            return False
    def content_sig(self, parameters):
        hmac_key = 'f6daaa397d51f568dd068709b0ce8e93293e078f7dfc3b40dd8c32d36d2b3ce1'
        sorted_parameters = sorted(parameters.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(0))
        data = ''
        for item1, item2 in sorted_parameters:
            data += item1 + item2
        sig = hmac.new(hmac_key, data)
        return sig.hexdigest()
    def decrypt_SMIL(self, encsmil):
        encdata = binascii.unhexlify(encsmil)
        expire_message = 'Your access to play this content has expired.'
        plus_message = 'please close any Hulu Plus videos you may be watching on other devices'
        proxy_message = 'you are trying to access Hulu through an anonymous proxy tool'
        for key in smildeckeys[:]:
            cbc = common.AES_CBC(binascii.unhexlify(key[0]))
            smil = cbc.decrypt(encdata,key[1])
            print smil
            if (smil.find("<smil") == 0):
                #print key
                i = smil.rfind("</smil>")
                smil = smil[0:i+7]
                return smil
            elif expire_message in smil:
                xbmcgui.Dialog().ok('Content Expired',expire_message)
                return False
            elif plus_message in smil:
                xbmcgui.Dialog().ok('Too many sessions','please close any Hulu Plus videos','you may be watching on other devices')
                return False
            elif proxy_message in smil:
                xbmcgui.Dialog().ok('Proxy Detected','Based on your IP address we noticed','you are trying to access Hulu','through an anonymous proxy tool')
                return False
    def queueViewComplete(self):
        u = sys.argv[0]
        u += "?mode='viewcomplete'"
        u += '&videoid="'+urllib.quote_plus(common.args.videoid)+'"'
        item=xbmcgui.ListItem("Remove from Queue")
        common.playlist.add(url=u, listitem=item)
    def queueVideoSegment( self, video_id, segment=False):
        u = sys.argv[0]
        u += '?url="'+urllib.quote_plus(video_id)+'"'
        u += '&mode="'+urllib.quote_plus(mode)+'"'
        u += '&videoid="'+urllib.quote_plus(common.args.videoid)+'"'
        u += '&segment="'+urllib.quote_plus(str(segment))+'"'
        u += '&guid="'+urllib.quote_plus(self.GUID)+'"'
        item.setInfo( type="Video", infoLabels=self.infoLabels)
        item.setProperty('IsPlayable', 'true')
        common.playlist.add(url=u, listitem=item)
    def time2ms( self, time):
        hour,minute,seconds = time.split(';')[0].split(':')
        frame = int((float(time.split(';')[1])/24)*1000)
        milliseconds = (((int(hour)*60*60)+(int(minute)*60)+int(seconds))*1000)+frame
        return milliseconds
    def NetworkPreroll( self ):
        url = 'http://r.hulu.com/videos?eid='+common.args.eid+'&include=video_assets&include_eos=1&_language=en&_package_group_id=1&_region=US'
        tree=BeautifulStoneSoup(data, convertEntities=BeautifulStoneSoup.HTML_ENTITIES)
        networkPreroll = tree.find('show').find('link-url').string
        if networkPreroll is not None:
            if '.flv' in networkPreroll:
                name = tree.find('channel').string
                infoLabels={ "Title":name }
                item = xbmcgui.ListItem(name+' Intro',path=networkPreroll)
                item.setInfo( type="Video", infoLabels=infoLabels)
                if self.queue:
                    item.setProperty('IsPlayable', 'true')
                    common.playlist.add(url=networkPreroll, listitem=item)
                    self.queue = True
                    xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(common.handle, True, item)
    def playSegment( self, video_id, segment=0):
            if segments > 0: smilSoup = self.getSMIL(video_id,retry=1)
            else: smilSoup = self.getSMIL(video_id)
        except: smilSoup = self.getSMIL(video_id,retry=1)
        if smilSoup:
            finalUrl = self.selectStream(smilSoup)
            self.displayname, self.infoLabels, segments  = self.getMeta(smilSoup)
            segmentUrl = finalUrl
            if segments:
                segmentUrl = finalUrl
                if segment > 0:
                    startseconds = self.time2ms(segments[segment-1])
                    segmentUrl += " start="+str(startseconds)
                if len(segments) > segment:
                    stopseconds = self.time2ms(segments[segment])
                    segmentUrl += " stop="+str(stopseconds)
            item = xbmcgui.ListItem(self.displayname,path=segmentUrl)
            item.setInfo( type="Video", infoLabels=self.infoLabels)
            if self.queue:
                item.setProperty('IsPlayable', 'true')
                common.playlist.add(url=segmentUrl, listitem=item)
                self.queue = True
                xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(common.handle, True, item)
            return segments
    def play( self, video_id):
        if (common.settings['enable_captions'] == 'true'):
        try: smilSoup = self.getSMIL(video_id)
        except: smilSoup = self.getSMIL(video_id,retry=1)
        if smilSoup:
            finalUrl = self.selectStream(smilSoup)
            displayname, infoLabels, segments = self.getMeta(smilSoup)
            #debug testing
            finalUrl = urllib.unquote(finalUrl).decode('utf8')
            print "finalurl -- > " + finalUrl
            #/debug testing
            item = xbmcgui.ListItem(displayname,path=finalUrl)
            item.setInfo( type="Video", infoLabels=infoLabels)
            if self.queue:
                item.setProperty('IsPlayable', 'true')
                common.playlist.add(url=finalUrl, listitem=item)
                self.queue = True
                if self.NoResolve:
                    xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(common.handle, True, item)
                if (common.settings['enable_captions'] == 'true'):
            return segments
    def getMeta( self, smilSoup ):
        refs = smilSoup.findAll('ref')
        ref = refs[1]
        title = ref['title']
        series_title = ref['tp:series_title']
        plot = ref['abstract']
        try:season = int(ref['tp:season_number'])
        except:season = -1
        try:episode = int(ref['tp:episode_number'])
        except:episode = -1
        displayname = series_title+' - '+str(season)+'x'+str(episode)+' - '+title
            playlist = refs[0]['src']
        except: mpaa=''
        infoLabels={ "Title":title,
            segments = ref['tp:segments']
            if segments <> '':
                segments = False
        except:segments = False
        return displayname, infoLabels, segments
    def selectStream( self, smilSoup ):        
        if video is None or len(video) == 0:
            xbmcgui.Dialog().ok('No Video Streams','SMIL did not contain video links','Geo-Blocked')
        selectedStream = None
        cdn = None
        qtypes=['ask', 'p011', 'p010', 'p009', 'p008', 'H264 Medium', 'H264 650K', 'H264 400K', 'VP6 400K']        
        qt = int(common.settings['quality'])
        if qt < 0 or qt > 8: qt = 0
        while qt < 8:
            qtext = qtypes[qt]
            for vid in video:
                if qtext in vid['profile']:
                    if vid['cdn'] == common.settings['defaultcdn']:
                        selectedStream = [vid['server'],vid['stream'],vid['token']]
                        print selectedStream
                        cdn = vid['cdn']
            if qt == 0 or selectedStream != None: break
            qt += 1
        if qt == 0 or selectedStream == None:
            if selectedStream == None:
                #ask user for quality level
                quality=xbmcgui.Dialog().select('Please select a quality level:', [stream[0]+' ('+stream[1]+')' for stream in streams])
                print quality
                if quality!=-1:
                    selectedStream = [streams[quality][2], streams[quality][3], streams[quality][4]]
                    cdn = streams[quality][1]
                    print "stream url"
                    print selectedStream
        if selectedStream != None:
            server = selectedStream[0]
            stream = selectedStream[1]
            token = selectedStream[2]
            protocolSplit = server.split("://")
            pathSplit = protocolSplit[1].split("/")
            hostname = pathSplit[0]
            appName = protocolSplit[1].split(hostname + "/")[1]
            if "level3" in cdn:
                appName += "?sessionid=sessionId&" + token
                stream = stream[0:len(stream)-4]
                finalUrl = server + "?sessionid=sessionId&" + token + " app=" + appName
            elif "limelight" in cdn:
                appName += '?sessionid=sessionId&' + token
                stream = stream[0:len(stream)-4]
                finalUrl = server + "?sessionid=sessionId&" + token + " app=" + appName
            elif "akamai" in cdn:
                appName += '?sessionid=sessionId&' + token
                finalUrl = server + "?sessionid=sessionId&" + token + " app=" + appName
            elif "edgecast" in cdn:
                appName += '?' + token
                finalUrl = server + "?" + token + " app=" + appName
                xbmcgui.Dialog().ok('Unsupported Content Delivery Network',cdn+' is unsupported at this time')
            print "item url -- > " + finalUrl
            print "app name -- > " + appName
            print "playPath -- > " + stream
            #define item
            SWFPlayer = 'http://download.hulu.com/huludesktop.swf'
            finalUrl += " playpath=" + stream + " swfurl=" + SWFPlayer + " pageurl=" + SWFPlayer + " swfvfy=true"
            #if (common.settings['swfverify'] == 'true'):
            #    finalUrl += " swfvfy=true"
            return finalUrl
################# OLD FUNCTIONS
# might be useful        
    def decrypt_cid(self, p):
        cidkey = '48555bbbe9f41981df49895f44c83993a09334d02d17e7a76b237d04c084e342'
        v3 = binascii.unhexlify(p)
        ecb = common.AES(binascii.unhexlify(cidkey))
        return ecb.decrypt(v3).split("~")[0]
    def cid2eidOLD(self, p):
        import md5
        dec_cid = int(p.lstrip('m'), 36)
        xor_cid = dec_cid ^ 3735928559 # 0xDEADBEEF
        m = md5.new()
        m.update(str(xor_cid) + "MAZxpK3WwazfARjIpSXKQ9cmg9nPe5wIOOfKuBIfz7bNdat6gQKHj69ZWNWNVB1")
        value = m.digest()
        return base64.encodestring(value).replace("+", "-").replace("/", "_").replace("=", "").replace('/n','')
    def decrypt_pid(self, p):
        import re
        cp_strings = [
        v3 = p.split("~")
        v3a = binascii.unhexlify(v3[0])
        v3b = binascii.unhexlify(v3[1])
        ecb = common.AES(v3b)
        tmp = ecb.decrypt(v3a)
        for v1 in cp_strings[:]:
            ecb = common.AES(binascii.unhexlify(v1))
            v2 = ecb.decrypt(tmp)
            if (re.match("[0-9A-Za-z_-]{32}", v2)):
                return v2
    def pid_auth(self, pid):
        import md5
        m.update(str(pid) + "yumUsWUfrAPraRaNe2ru2exAXEfaP6Nugubepreb68REt7daS79fase9haqar9sa")
        return m.hexdigest()

Sorry, guys, I didn't know where else to post the above code, and I was concerned it was getting lost in the thread. It is easy now to drag your mouse down to the bottom to highlight the above code, press ctrl-c, and then open up stream_hulu.py, press ctrl-a to highlight all the lines, then press ctrl-v to copy in the replacement code.

Thanks ~Jim
Works for me in Germany with Default CDN set to akamai and Fallback CDN set to darwin-edgecast.

Hi all, could you please advise with following error message in hulu plugin

I'm using Frodo 12.2 on openelec. My location is non US.
Thank you
I've just installed the add-on provided by learningit and it works for me. I'm in Australia using a DNS redirector. It seems that the fall back CDN has to be set to darwin-edgecast to work. When I left it to NONE it threw an error.
I'd like to inform all coders to pull fixes in github, so I can merge them. Post a request here if you like to have a master status on github.

// GitHub // Repository

// USTV VoD (Video-on-Demand) / World News Live / MRT Play
Anyone know how to or where the settings for the watched/unwatched status of videos for your subscriptions are kept in the OS filesystem? I'd like to merge them with the new add-on from the old one.
wrong app. sorry delete
(2014-03-02, 13:19)moneymaker Wrote: I'd like to inform all coders to pull fixes in github, so I can merge them. Post a request here if you like to have a master status on github.


The reason that I didn't do that - I'd love to for support reasons, is that that my repo isn't a fork of yours or for that matter, Bluecop's. I need some guidance on how to do a pull request against a non-forked repo in Github. As I said, my code just plain evolved in place from the original Bluecop addon, I never forked it from his repo. I put my repo up so that you could see what changes I've made as it was getting tedious and error prone having individual files being exchanged among so many users. As I said, I'll probably regret putting the repo up. I've taken down my previous posting so as not to confuse matters.

- Creating a pull request
- Using Pull Requests
- Pull Request Tutorial

You can collaborate, too.
// GitHub // Repository

// USTV VoD (Video-on-Demand) / World News Live / MRT Play
(2014-03-02, 18:34)moneymaker Wrote: @learningit

- Creating a pull request
- Using Pull Requests
- Pull Request Tutorial

You can collaborate, too.
I am very well aware how github works.
Yes, I tried a fork&pull yesterday and ended up with an unworkable mess. I suggest that if you want to do this we take the conversation separately.
Without more test by users on my version I don't know if this is worth the time or trouble, but there are some really fundamental changes that are needed in the beta version. I would suggest that meeting the minimum standards for acceptance into the XBMC.org repo be met - such as not writing into the addon folder.
Acceptance in the official repo is a goal that would benefit all XBMC users.
Thank you, learningit. This works for me in the US. Glad to have someone concerning themselves with the current App.

I suggest the moderators consider 'forking' (is that the right word?) this sub-forum in two, with one set of threads specifically for the current version and the other for the beta version. As long as this app is being developed, there will probably be the two versions of it, and less confusion will result from having separate sub-forums for them.

Thanks again!

(2014-03-02, 06:28)learningit Wrote: Deleted
@learningit, KonaHilo

I'll see what I can do.

To make it understandable:

# BlueCop's repository - Old version
# xbmcplus repository - Hulu and Hulu (beta) [I've taken the BlueCop's add-on to my repository so that as many as possible can help] {BlueCop collaborate}

xbmcplus repository:

# Hulu (there are some fixes)
# Hulu (beta) - will be merged with Hulu if it's someday works again
// GitHub // Repository

// USTV VoD (Video-on-Demand) / World News Live / MRT Play
Because so many have asked me to put the link back up, I will be posting it in a new forum under hulu new. After looking at the xbmcplus copy, I realize that we are going after different problems - I want to get this back in shape based on the XBMC.org repo development rules and don't care about realdebrid issues which are really the only changes, other than cosmetic ones made in the xbmcplus repo. As I said before, I'll probably regret it.
Edgecast seems to have disappeared as a choice for me now... how about the rest of you? Also, real-debrid is not working. Could they have been using edgecast as well?


Hulu Login: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2894...ulogin.log

Real-Debrid: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2894...debrid.log
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