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Automatic WakeOnLan upon accessing MySql or FileShares
OK, then the problem I remember is only when xbmc first starts, not with resume.

But I still believe it is redundant, woa should wake server when needed, regardless of whether xbmc has been to sleep or not. Otherwise there is a flaw somewhere or your <timeout> setting does not match the actual idle-timeout of your server.

Is this feature goign to be integrated into Frodo or gotham ?

(2013-09-16, 18:55)d_ced Wrote: Hi,

Is this feature goign to be integrated into Frodo or gotham ?


It is in the current Alpha builds.
I'm not sure, if this has already been asked, but is it intentional, that the WOL-funciton runs on each "library" access and resume? I don't see any reason for my server to wake up when accessing video addons, for instance - they don't need to access my server.

Maybe there could be an option to only wake the server when actually accessing a part of XBMC, that uses the shares on the remote server?

Other than this minor issue, I'm loving the feature! This single thing makes me unable to leave Gotham on my raspberry pi! Smile
(2013-11-12, 22:03)freaktm Wrote: I'm not sure, if this has already been asked, but is it intentional, that the WOL-funciton runs on each "library" access and resume? I don't see any reason for my server to wake up when accessing video addons, for instance - they don't need to access my server.

Maybe there could be an option to only wake the server when actually accessing a part of XBMC, that uses the shares on the remote server?

Other than this minor issue, I'm loving the feature! This single thing makes me unable to leave Gotham on my raspberry pi! Smile

It is intentional that it runs on each file or MySQL-access, yes. (The feature is implemented by hooking into the code that runs just when a file or directory is about to be opened so the ".. option to only wake the server when actually accessing.." is already there ; This IS the main function of the entire feature)
But I have noticed too that sometimes file-access happens at times when you did not expect it - please check log-file to see which file-access triggered the WOL.
It *could* be that there are file-accesses in there that ideally should have been avoided but that would need to be reproduced and fixed case-by-case I think.
Glad to hear you are happy with it!
Allright, I'm only using a single video addon regularly, so it was just a stupid assumption from me, that it would happen with all video addons.

I'll take a look at the log-files when I get some time.
OK, so I took a look, and I'm no xbmc-log-expert, but I don't see any db-access prior to launching the video addon, and thus waking my server.

Here's a snip of the log, from around the time I started the video addon:

19:40:08 T:3044233808   DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating action string
19:40:08 T:3044233808   DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10025
19:40:08 T:2947462224   DEBUG: CecLogMessage - >> 01:8b:00
19:40:08 T:2947462224   DEBUG: CecLogMessage - >> TV (0) -> Recorder 1 (1): vendor remote button up (8B)
19:40:09 T:3044233808   DEBUG: ------ Window Deinit (Home.xml) ------
19:40:09 T:3044233808   DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating action string
19:40:09 T:3044233808   DEBUG: Previous line repeats 2 times.
19:40:09 T:3044233808  NOTICE: WakeOnAccess [] trigged by accessing : MySQL : MyVideos77
19:40:09 T:2947462224   DEBUG: CecLogMessage - key auto-released: select (0)
19:40:09 T:2947462224   DEBUG: PushCecKeypress - received key  b duration 1156
19:40:10 T:3044233808    INFO: WakeOnLan - Magic packet send to '00:01:2E:2F:17:4D'
19:40:10 T:3044233808   DEBUG: DialogProgress::StartModal called
19:40:10 T:3044233808   DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogProgress.xml) ------
19:40:10 T:2792821840  NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
19:40:10 T:3044233808   ERROR: Control 50 in window 10025 has been asked to focus, but it can't
19:40:20 T:3044233808  NOTICE: WakeOnAccess sequence completed, server started
19:40:21 T:3044233808   DEBUG: ------ Window Init (MyVideoNav.xml) ------
19:40:21 T:3044233808   DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (plugin://plugin.video.drnu/?listVideos=so-ein-ding)
19:40:21 T:3044233808   DEBUG:   ParentPath = [plugin://plugin.video.drnu/?listVideos=so-ein-ding]
19:40:22 T:3044233808   DEBUG: Loading items: 133, directory: plugin://plugin.video.drnu/?listVideos=so-ein-ding sort method: 0, ascending: false
19:40:22 T:3044233808   DEBUG: RunQuery took 2 ms for 4 items query: SELECT  files.strFilename, files.playCount,  bookmark.timeInSeconds, bookmark.totalTimeInSeconds FROM files  LEFT JOIN bookmark ON    files.idFile = bookmark.idFile AND bookmark.type = 1  WHERE files.idPath=1484
19:40:22 T:2690643024  NOTICE: Thread BackgroundLoader start, auto delete: false
19:40:22 T:3044233808   DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating action string
19:40:22 T:2801210448  NOTICE: Thread LanguageInvoker start, auto delete: false
19:40:22 T:2801210448    INFO: initializing python engine.
19:40:22 T:2801210448   DEBUG: CPythonInvoker(22, /storage/.xbmc/addons/script.tv.show.next.aired/default.py): start processing
19:40:22 T:2912253008  NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true
19:40:22 T:2792821840  NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
19:40:22 T:2792821840   DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.image_decode input port 320 output port 321 m_handle 0xa7cedf88
19:40:22 T:2792821840   DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::AllocInputBuffers component(OMX.broadcom.image_decode) - port(320), nBufferCountMin(2), nBufferCountActual(2), nBufferSize(81920), nBufferAlignmen(16)
19:40:22 T:2792821840   DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.resize input port 60 output port 61 m_handle 0xa817cbd8
19:40:22 T:2792821840   DEBUG: COMXCoreComponent::Initialize OMX.broadcom.egl_render input port 220 output port 221 m_handle 0x9fb36928
19:40:22 T:2650125392  NOTICE: Thread JobWorker start, auto delete: true

The way I read that log, it seems that the WOL is started _before_ the addon is loaded - or is there some hooking deeper down, that does not log anything?

I'm not really sure if it's all the relevant information needed, so I've attached the full logs (with and without cec-logs)

http://pastebin.com/uwvhLhZL (with cec-logs)
http://pastebin.com/27AdVSq4 (without cec-logs)

System info is provided in the log header (OpenELEC RPi.arm-devel-20131110122955-r16361)
I had a look, and yes, there is a call to database.open() when initializing (any) 'video windows' (https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/blob/master...e.cpp#L140)

I dont know if this is done 'just in case' or if it is essential ; we would need to get some info from someone familiar with this part of XBMC I think
Okay, to me that sounds a little odd, but there might be some reasonable thought behind the design decision Smile

But thanks a lot for helping me get an explanation - makes it a lot easier to accept the "quirk".
It may be using the database for thumbnails or keeping track of which "episode" of that addon has been watched.
Have a problem waking up another xbmc which is used as a upnp source.. source is declared as follows in sources.xml (9255d6a3-bd22-5130-dd54-5a3c6b1c4513 is not a hostname but something xbmc is generating)

<default pathversion="1"></default>
<path pathversion="1">upnp://9255d6a3-bd22-5130-dd54-5a3c6b1c4513/library%3a%2f%2fvideo%2f/</path>

wake on lan fails to detect mac of 9255d6a3-bd22-5130-dd54-5a3c6b1c4513 which is understandable, however I created and entry in wakeonlan.xml


but still it fails to wake up with following msg in log

11:27:20 73.816559 T:3043414016 NOTICE: WakeOnAccess [9255d6a3-bd22-5130-dd54-5a3c6b1c4513] trigged by accessing : upnp://9255d6a3-bd22-5130-dd54-5a3c6b1c4513/library%3a%2f%2fvideo%2f/
11:27:20 73.987938 T:3043414016 ERROR: Unable to lookup host: '9255d6a3-bd22-5130-dd54-5a3c6b1c4513'
11:27:33 86.712799 T:2864706640 ERROR: Previous line repeats 60 times.
Wakeup upnp server is not a supported scenario unfortunately.

I agree, it would be great if it was, and I looked into it briefly a while ago but could not see a solution for how to make it.
I believe we would need to be able to lookup ipaddress from upnp-host but I am unfamiliar with the upnp part of XBMC and could not locate any functions to get that information. If someone would point me in right direction I am ready to give it a new try.
opened a trac ticket (http://trac.xbmc.org/ticket/14880).. maybe someone who contributed to upnp code can help.. for time being all I can think of is to maybe allow us to add a parameter with ip on wakeonlan.xml
OK, nice.
Meanwhile, I looked a little closer at upnp and found the entry-points needed so I will give it a shot

Edit ; PR sent ; https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/pull/4104
As a work around, could something maybe done with a hosts file, or local dns depending upon how the host is looked up?
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Automatic WakeOnLan upon accessing MySql or FileShares4