xbmc on appletv 2 with movies on NAS, 24 FPS problem
Hi guys,

I've got a short question. I have XBMC v11 running on my Apple TV 2 which is streaming movies from my Synology NAS DS111. Every 24fps movie or 23,97 whatever movie is lagging on my TV because I set my Apple TV on 50hz and my TV is getting 24fps content, so I have a problem that 2 frames per second are missing and I am experiencing lags and I have no clue how I can handle that.

I searched for days now, and I think that on WIN/LINUX machines, you have the ability to set "adjust display refresh rate to match video". I think that would do the trick but I really dont know.

I am sure that nothing else is causing that problem, my NAS works fine, LAN connection, everything is ok.

When I play those movies directly from my TV over DLNA, then everything is fine. Its definitely xbmc/atv which has to be configured another way.

Anybody got ideas?

Would be very appreciated. Thank you
With current ios versions on appletv its only possible to set 50 and 60Hz refreshrate. And this setting is only available in the ATV2 settings itself. There is no programming API for getting a list of supported refreshrates, nor setting refreshrates atm.

So the refreshrate adaption is not possible to be implemented in XBMC for ATV2. We have to hope that apple will add an API for this or allows to set 24Hz refreshrate in the ATV2 settings at the least.

AppleTV4/iPhone/iPod/iPad: HowTo find debug logs and everything else which the devs like so much: click here
HowTo setup NFS for Kodi: NFS (wiki)
HowTo configure avahi (zeroconf): Avahi_Zeroconf (wiki)
hi, thank you very much for your answer

so there is no other workaround for this problem,no?

either a service which could be run on my NAS or change TV settings?


not that i know off ... my tv handles it pretty good somehow ... not that much dropped frames...
AppleTV4/iPhone/iPod/iPad: HowTo find debug logs and everything else which the devs like so much: click here
HowTo setup NFS for Kodi: NFS (wiki)
HowTo configure avahi (zeroconf): Avahi_Zeroconf (wiki)

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xbmc on appletv 2 with movies on NAS, 24 FPS problem0