.nfo movie sets
So I use IMDB as my scraper therefore movies sets will not work unless I have a .nfo.

If i just have this within my nfo file will it still just scan and download info as normal and also put into movie sets or do I need all the info. E.g. put a link to the actual file.

<set>Die Hard Collection</set>

Obviously I can do:

<title>Hellboy - Uncut Extended</title>
<set>Hellboy Collection</set>
<sorttitle>Hellboy 1</sorttitle>

But just wondering if I can put the movie set info in and the rest can be done as normal scan.


You need it done as in the latter (<movie> tag as well as URL for tmdb.org)
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<set>Die Hard Collection</set>
<sorttitle>Die Hard</sorttitle>

So this would suffice.
Correct. Note that if you use themoviedb scraper it'll give you the sets anyway.
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Yeh I was but everyone says that imdb is better. Don treally know myself.

How do you get XBMC to pick these nfo files up, cause it seems that it doesnt do it by itself. I read that i need the import video library. But then whats the point in having the nfo file in the movies folder.

Everyone says lots of things :p

XBMC will pick up the .nfo file just fine as long as:
1. They're named appropriately.
2. You have set "Movies in separate folders named like the movie" appropriately.
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none of my nfo files seem to be getting picked up movie sets and just normal ones!
Movies set movies are all in their own separate folder with an nfo file named the same as the folder.
What could be my problem?

Try movie.nfo instead...
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Or better advice: Get a Debug Log as that will tell you the exact problem.

Further, combine it with detailing exactly how your filesystem is laid out.

Lack of information is the problem.
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My this is how my movie folders are setup

------- <The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo>
------------- <The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo 2011.1080P.DTS.bluray.x264.mkv>
------------- <The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.nfo>

and so on. So each movie is in their own folder within the movies folder.


Here is the debug log:


Right, given the above, I think it *might* work as long as you have "Movies in separate folders named after the movie" is enabled.

Does: smb://FREENAS/Media/Movies/HD Movies/YYAMZC~I/You Only Live Twice 720P.mkv have an .nfo file associated with it?

Try refreshing The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and get the Debug Log.
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No it doesnt. But the folder is named the same as the movie, so i dont know why it says YYAMZC~I/

it looks like this
Media/Movies/HD Movies/You Only Live Twice/You Only Live Twice 720P.mkv

should I try moving it into another folder deleting it or something?

P.S The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is working now all info showing up. Not sure what happened there maybe it takes a while.
You Only Live Twice 720P.mkv has been picked up the folder had a space at the end. Must have been that.

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