Set XBMC System Volume Separately
It would be nice if we could have the ability to set the system sounds volume for XBMC. This would include navigation and alert notification sounds. I don't want to disable the menu/alert sounds, but I would personally like to turn them down. In my bedroom I have an xbmc box setup that uses 2 channel audio plugged in via headphones jack to the TV. I have to turn the volume way up for movies that have AC3/DTS audio. Sometimes when the movie is finished, I'll forget to turn the volume back down, and a notification will pop up and make a VERY LOUD alert noise. It makes me jump a little each time. Blush
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edit: sorry, if you meant xbmc's GUI sounds, there's no way to set the volume for these separately to my knowledge
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth
Using the AudioMixer add-on and Mac OS X, I get these options:


Something like that?

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