Win Minimum artwork files for 3.5 version?

I'm trying the recently 3.5 version (I've downloaded it from git some days ago) and is a very beautiful skin. Lot of features for testing and not enough time ;-)

Well, I would like to know which are the minimum artwork/picture files for this skin? (movies, tv shows basically).

Usually, I was using source content with FA or TheTVDB scraper and exporting the library as single files into the movies folder. By this, I always had a movie.avi file, then a movie.nfo, a movie.tbn (the poster thumbnail) and movie-fanart.jpg (the background) and nothing else.

Now, I've seen that with this skin and others, there are some others files like folder.jpg, poster.jpg, etc. If I use EmberMM to scrap some mising info in my NFO files, I've seen that I can configure it to donwload some of these specific files.

As I would like to have the minimum possible files (i.e. the movie, the NFO file, minimum graphics) I'm looking for a list of what files are necessary. At this moment I'm trying an snapshot version of Frodo because it had the working AE features I need for my A/V receiver. I hope this is not a problem.

Thanks for your answers and sorry for my bad english.

I think you've already covered the "minimum" in that the extra stuff is not needed per say.

Yes you could get cdart, clearart, logo and so forth but it isn't a requirement.

Frodo, to my knowledge, isn't supported.

Good luck Smile
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Minimum artwork files for 3.5 version?0