Win Optic drive related freeze

XBMC is freezing my system for about 3 minutes with what seems to be related to the optical drive. I found some posts about it, but none solved my issue so I posting my first thread with that as the topic.

Starting XBMC with an audio cd inserted to the drive - it freezes on the splash screen for about 3 minutes. Any file system access on the machine is halted for that period and continues later on. This is the log file for that case the freeze is at 18:41:20

XBMC starts in 2 seconds with an empty BD-R drive. Inserting a cd later also freezes for 2-3 minutes.

The issue does not reproduce with a DVD or BD in the drive. I had virtual clone drive installed. Removing it did not make a difference.

Any help will be appreciated. I cannot use XBMC without the optical drives for ripping my music.

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