Win allowd3d9ex Advanced Setting causes subtitles not to display

I have an HTPC running the Aug 6th nightly build on a Windows 7 PC. My GPU is a Radeon 6450 with the Catalyst 12.7 Beta drivers installed. This issue presents itself with 12.6 and 12.4 drivers, so I don't think it's a driver issue.

When I put


into my advancedsettings.xml, SRT subtitles do not render. The video freezes until the current subtitle is supposed to go away, and refreezes when the next subtitle is supposed to display. This same issue does not occur when rendering HDMV PGS subtitles from a BluRay rip.

If the advanced setting is removed, XBMC displays the subtitles correctly. The reason for needing
is that without it any menus that display thumbs (movie lists, tv show lists, etc.) run very slow.

The debug log can be found here: I believe the subtitle rendering errors start at line 846.

Any help with this issue would be gladly appreciated. Thank you very much for your time!
Bump. Please help, this issue is driving me crazy! Please let me know if I need to include any more info to solve this issue. Thank you very much!
Tried the August 14th 2012 nightly and it was fixed. Thank you to whoever fixed this issue!

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allowd3d9ex Advanced Setting causes subtitles not to display1