Album art
Hi, first post here, new XBMC user. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I've tried using every album scraper, even though I know the Universal scraper is the best, information loads but not a single album gets artwork assigned to it. It pulls the artwork because I can go into thumbs and manually select it but it will not automatically add it. The only artwork visible are tags with artwork embedded. I have the option to download additional info checked, I even tried deleting my thumbnail cache and thumbnail database file and starting over again but I still run into the same issue. Artist fanart shows up fine if it's available. I've tried running Eden, nightly and monthly builds, no change. I have to be missing something simple, any ideas?

Edit: One more thing I should mention, I ran my entire collection through Picard as well and saved all tags... No change.
I have this same issue. Clean scan of my entire library gets all the data for artists and albums. The only thing it doesnt get is the Album cover art. I can however go in for each individual album and set album art, just doesnt work on the entire scan (very time consuming way to do it though)

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