[SOLVED] NFS server config for ATV
Hi guys, I'd appreciate some help configuring NFS correctly as I'm a little unsure as to how to achieve what I want to. Before I go any further, I should point out that I'm running kFreeBSD, so the configuration of NFS is identical to that of FreeBSD.

With that out of the way, this is my problem; I have two clients connecting, one of which works fine, and the other doesn't. To complicate the issue further, the client that doesn't work correctly is the ATV, but that shouldn't be an issue in theory - if it works for my Mac (the client that does work), it should work for both. If I post up my various config files could someone take a look at them and see if I'm heading in the right direction please?

simon@sepulveda:~$ cat /etc/rc.conf
nfs_server_flags="-u -t -o -n 4"
mountd_flags="-n -r -o"

simon@sepulveda:~$ cat /etc/exports
/mnt/sepulveda.tank -alldirs -maproot=501 -network -mask
/home/simon -alldirs -network -mask

simon@sepulveda:~$ ps aux | grep nfsd && ps aux | grep mountd
root     84188  0.0  0.0  18700  1464 ?        S    11:31   0:00 nfsd -u -t -o -n 4
root     84187  0.0  0.0  18700  1508 ?        Ss   11:31   0:00 nfsd -u -t -o -n 4
root     84466  0.0  0.0  22912  1676 ?        Ss   12:15   0:00 mountd -o -r -n

simon@sepulveda:~$ ls -l /mnt/
total 17
drwxrwxr-- 10 simon root  16 Sep  4 18:30 sepulveda.tank

So I'm assuming it's something to do with the fact that the ATV connects with the user 'mobile', and if I'm honest I'm not sure what I'm doing with the mapall/maproot switch. You can see my permissions for the directory I wish to mount in the last code box, but it doesn't work. I should probably say a lot more but my brain has turned to mush and I'm getting rather frustrated at the moment. I've tried reading the exports man page but it's going over my head, can anyone explain what I need to do in plain english?

Many thanks!

now solved: it turns out what i wanted was mapall=root. i know this is insecure but it's restricted to clients within the range of 192.168.1.x, and it's on my own home network anyway.
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[SOLVED] NFS server config for ATV0