How to change the channels from a playlist?
We have a TV XBMC addon. This addon plays live TV channels as http links using a playlist, which it gives to XBMC Player object.
Due to tuner hardware restrictions each channel can only be streamed one at a time.
We observe a strange effect with Pleayer going back and forth between new and old channels on selecting a next channel in a a playlist.
Here is what happens:
- user starts playback of a first channel in the playlist
- server changes a channel and XBMC starts playing. So far so good.
- User selects next channel (next item in a playlist)
- server receives a request from XBMC with a new url (new channel id), stops playback of a previous channel and tunes to a new channel
- at this time (e.g. when new channel request is processed) server receives a request for the previous channel(!) - with a Range parameter in requests' headers, making server stopping playback of a new channel and switching back to the old one.

Can someone please help us here on how not to make XBMC going to the previous item itself after user selects a new one?
Is this behavior as it should be or are we missing something?

Thank you.

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How to change the channels from a playlist?0