Timeline view and function for files with comskip edl files
Please excuse me if XBMC already has this functionality. I am now using XBMC as a frontend for playing my SageTV recordings. I've noticed that the XBMC player does use comskip edl files for 'skipping' marked commercials. The way XBMC handles these edl files, however, are a bit different than the way SageTV's player handles them.

Comskip is not perfect. Sometimes it will mark a portion of the show as a commercial break. With SageTV, you can rewind a bit to view the portion comskip thought was a commercial but in reality was part of the program. With XBMC, you are not able to do this.

SageTV also presents the timeline for the complete recording. An hour long program shows up as an hour on the timeline and the commercial breaks are presented in a different color:

(image borrowed from Google image for demonstration purposes)

In the image above, the dark green areas are the marked commercial break areas of the timeline.

Is it possible to add this functionality to the XBMC player so that you can rewind into the comskip 'cut' area of a program?
Bump. Any thoughts on this?
I think it's a fine idea and I've included it in another person's suggestion here.
I totally forgot to comment on this when I first read it, but yeah, a good idea. Probably one of those things we'll come across more now that PVR is merged for Frodo.
I would very much like to see the timeline updated to show the program areas and the commercial areas in different colors!

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Timeline view and function for files with comskip edl files0