white boxes where text should be
hi guys,

I downloaded and installed every version (tried new, uninstalled and tried old) but still I get the same problem. When I zoom into the text I can see the text for settings etc.

But when I am on the home screen or around the layout you cannot see the text for the program only white boxes where there should be text

What can be the problem? my computer is very old to be fair (still on XP, 2.8GHZ, 1.18gb of ram and just the standad packard bell graphics card, intel celeron) I know its a old computer but I just want to use it to watch stuff of my hard drives and stream stuff using XMBC

Here is a screen shot of what I see and how far I have to zoom until I can see text within the settings.


is this a video card problem? or just a rubbish pc problem? or is it something else?

Thank you to who ever helps

(Example shown here of the latest night build but even non night builds do this)
Welcome to the XBMC forums.

What are you using for a monitor? What is your graphics card make/model? If you don't know that, then what is your PC's make/model?

By the way, in order for your screenshot to be seen by anyone other than you, you need to upload the image file to a public site and reference the URL in your post.
my monitor is a rubbish proview TFT 15", I am going to be moving this computer downstairs to my LG 42" I am thinking it could be the monitor but with the zoom the writing at the top should show



graphics card all I could find from my direct x diagnostic is that the chip type is SIS 651 Rev 00
Guess the card will be the problem
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white boxes where text should be0