Win HD movies with DTS sound is muted

Can someone please help with the above. I'm running XBMC Eden 11 latest stable download on Windows 7 64bit on an intel i3 chip with 4GB of Ram and an Asus HD 6450 Graphic card.

I started off without the graphics card and used the built in HDMI and could play all video and sound except DTS HD movies. I thought purchasing a new video card would speed thing up and fix the issue I was having. But it didn't.

The strange thing is when I paly the same movie using Windows media center on the same machine the sound works fine. I have played aournd with loads of the setting in Windows and changed the Sound input in XBMC but I still can't get it to work.

I have looked around the web to see if Eden supports DTS, and it dose.

So should DTS be working on my machine and am I just being an idiot by not getting it working.

Thanks Jo
Hooked up straight to a TV or a DTS capable amp?
Straight to the TV with HDMI cable.

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HD movies with DTS sound is muted0