My Win 8 Frodo experience
So, I tried upgrading both. I could not get HTTP or UPNP access from frodo. I ran debug, but it just said it got the request (like if I just tried accessing it from the browser, but also sabnzbd,etc) but it gave no information after that. In the log, the server started fine. I tried reinstalling Win8 and frodo, same. Anyone have success?

Then in the off chance someone has a Turtle Beach Micro II, has anyone gotten the drivers to install for optical? Win8 sees it and I get PCM audio through it, but the drivers to install the true optical so I can play DD, DTS, etc, says it can't find my device. I just chatted with someone from Turtle Beach and they seemed like they hadn't gone into device manager before.

So, I bought the Micro II as a cheap solution for optical audio. Has anyone gotten optical audio to work in Win8 with a similar cheap device? Audio has always been by achellis heel. I think my last couple of motherboards support digital audio, but I could never figure out how to get it out of the mini plug? Any help with that? II guess I could also upgrade my audio receiver to one that has HDMI passthrough to get audio that way.

I think you're looking for this. If your motherboard has SPDIF headers, try this:

It'll add an optical audio output. Search for "SPDIF bracket" in ebay to find others.

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