Simple XBMC System required for newbie
Hello everyone, this seems/is a great forum, a little confusing so I'm asking for a little help. Don't know anything about XBMC, never ran it yet, still downloading but have been reading for 3 or 4 days.

I have been using a Patriot Box Office media player linked to my Panasonic Viera 50" for a couple of years. It has 500GB local on board storage, plus I have a usb 2.0 WD external 2TB connected plus I have it networked to a desktop Server in another room with 4TB. All movies.

The problem now is that when one has so many movies, all appearing as just a file name in a sub directory it's confusing and difficult to make a choice. Not to me, but the wife, what's new, what has she seen, what was that movie called? If I'm out, she's lost. We looked at WMC, that was confusing, couldn't always find the directories, let alone her movies

I figured, I'd build her a little unit, just to play movies, no music, no pics, just her movies, she has a choice of bluray and dvd all stored on the server so I would need 1080 and 720. We did look at Media Portal, downloaded it on to a windows PC, set it in the living room connected to her TV and the sound drove her up the wall, 4 fans so that was out. She also didn't want to go into windows to use MP. I could see the kids deleting everything when they come over to watch Disney movies.

So a basic, quiet box, low cost, just for stored movies, I'll do all the rest elsewhere on another PC, all she wants to see is the Movie cover art, make a choice and hit play, sit back and knowing her, fall asleep somewhere during the first hour

I see newegg is offering a deal on a Biostar E350 ITX Board with 8GB ram for $59.00 with a $10 rebate. add a small case and small ssd but.... Would this give her what she needs. I have a HDhomeRun elsewhere, so I can record, she could watch those as well. She needs for the LR and the BRoom.

Thanks in advance

If you wife is easily annoyed by the tech, don't get a Raspberry Pi. As good as it can/will be, it certainly isn't there yet in regards to being a media centre. The one in my bedroom annoys the hell out of my other half. I have however got a E350 in the lounge which while not silent is quiet. I run it with Windows 7 with XBMC set to start automatically and it's been running a treat for the last year.

The easiest solution of course would be to get rid of the wifeWink

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