Win Opinion - Best network control?
I'm thinking about taking the dive from Linux to Windows for Netflix support.

Currently, my XBMC box sits in the living room, with an HDMI splitter between it and my equipment. One side of the HDMI splitter goes into my AVR, the other side runs through a convenient wall passthrough directly into the back of the TV in my office. When I'm in my office, I control my XBMC box via an x11vnc session, with the framebuffer turned off (so it's not transmitting video over the network), screen scaled to 1/3 the size, etc. This works pretty well for me.

The question is.. What do you find the best way to control your XBMC box over the network, when XBMC is running on Windows? Install TightVNC server on Windows and basically do the same thing? Keep a web browser open to the XBMC web server and click stuff when I want to interact with the box?

I can't count on having any device in my office, aside from my desktop computer (so, "Do it on your phone" isn't really going to fly).
Depending on what devices you have available, I find that hippo remote works best for me. I of course have access to iOS devices but I believe there is an android version. Works great across a number of apps including XBMC, but alao allows me to log in to Windows without using a keyboard. Of course YMMV.

I only wish they would come out with an iPad version.

Good Luck.
what about an RF remote?
The Ipazzport keyboards work through walls pretty well. Well yes, any RF device will.

If you use an AVR, most can use an optional IR extender.

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Opinion - Best network control?0