Req A few more tages for MOVIE.NFO and TVSHOW.NFO

When cataloguing movies, there is a surprising ommission in XBMC: awards. How many of us base their decision to watch or not watch a movie on whether or not it has won first prize in the Academy Awards? In Cannes? Venice? Berlin? Toronto? And the decision whether to watch or not a TV show on its having won an Emmy or a BAFTA? Nearly all of us. And for that matter, nearly all sites used by XBMC's scrapers report these awards meticulously. Why, then, is there no <award> tag in the MOVIE.NFO and TVSHOW.NFO schemata?

Same goes with reviews. IMDB, for once, contains user reviews which are often much more useful, nuanced and correct than the more official outline/plot. If IMDB thinks something has been worth posting on their site, this in not merely conclusive, but indeed compelling evidence that it is worth posting. This, and other, reviews are easily accessible per XBMC's scrapers. Why, then, is there no <review> tag in the MOVIE.NFO and TVSHOW.NFO schemata?

Yes I know, there is a <rating> tag in both schemata. But it reports just one rating. Clearly, in a media environment manipulated by concurring commercial interests, one rater, even if it were God's own voice, is not enough. A visit in Wikipedia reveals that there are, as a matter not of regulation but of general acceptance, four universally accredited movie reviewers, the three of them being our well known sites (Rovi), Rotten Tomatoes, and Metacritic. With respect to TV shows, the opinion as to who to listen to as a rater is apparently less settled (I may be wrong in that, but it seems a fair assumption given my little knowledge in the matter), however it seems reasonable to infer that if Rovi, Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic are true and fair critics of movies, they must be true and fair critics of TV shows as well. All these raters are easily accessible per XBMC's scrapers. Why, then, is there only one rating source in the MOVIE.NFO and TVSHOW.NFO schemata?


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A few more tages for MOVIE.NFO and TVSHOW.NFO1