What to do next
I am a newbie to XBMC have used it a few times on my windows pc. I have just got a Raspberry Pi and managed to OpenELEC on it so XBMC is all up and running.
The question is what to do next? I know i need to add in repository's etc but i was wondering whether anyone knows where i can get all the good ones in one big zip folder. If not could someone post a list of the best repository so i can get to work Big Grin

And thanks guys
What do you mean repository? Are you looking for sources of movies to download? Don't ask, because that is illegal and not officially supported.
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No im asking to add things as there is nothing in my xbmc. What is the best way to put things in? Is there a tut knocking about anywhere

Try reading the wiki for a while, everything you need to know is there Smile
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I think s/he means addons not sources
All sorted now after reading the wiki.

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